Chapter 4

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Your Pov

Dew to the heat I was extremely dizzy. My vision was getting darker and I could hear my own heart beat.

Then out or the blue I heard someone talking behind me into my ear.
"Found you"

That moment time stopped for me. Thousands of thought passes my mind

'What is going to happened now? '
'Is he gonna kill me'
'How I'm gonna get off this situation 'and a lot more.

Tears felt out of my (e/c) eyes and run down on my cheeks. Out or reflexion I jumped off and with a quick move of my hands, throwing crystals on him. I crawled out fast from under the shelfs and run out of the room. From down the earth my crystal raised and covered the entrance of the room ,preventing Shouto from getting out. But it was useless.

Shouto used ice and broke though the crystal .I panicked and started running through the burning building keep throwing crystals at him. He dogged all of them.

'Impossible! Come on (Y/n)  get your shit togethet' I slapped my face.

"You know, I thought that you would have improved more than the last time we fought but it seems that I can't expect too much from you. It's trully the same as before. Such a shame"Shouto fought back with both his sides creating a complete disaster.

"Look who is talking. I would never imagine the day that I would have to flight you, Shouto.I didn't expect that from you " I responsed and hit him, making a scar on his arm

'Got you'

It seems that this angered him. He started using his powers non stop to me. I must admit he is pretty strong, even stronger than me. He made some ugly scars on me but that wouldn't stop me.

"And what do you think you know. You know nothing. You have everything. Everything is normal in your life. You didn't had you go through in what I've been through "he said angrily. Then from his frustration he froze the entire floor trapping me into the grown. My legs were trapped. I couldn't move. I was so exhausted. That's the problem with my power. The more I use it the more tired I become.

He walked toward my direction. He was standing above me but then kneed down on my level. He took a piece or my hair (h/c) and started playing with it

"You know (Y/n), we didn't have to come in this point if you have heard me in the first place"

"Like I would listen to you! You traitor! You left us all and went on your own way! You betrayed me... you betrayed us all! How could you do that, Shouto? "The words come out of me with out my permission. It was like I couldn't control my reactions anymore. My hot tears were running down my cheeks ones again and I couldn't stop them from so"Why? Why did you left me alone Shouto"I cryed out

I couldn't see his expression because his hair was covering his eyes. The one thing for sure is that he wasn't smiling . I thought I heard him mumbling something like "I'm sorry" but I wasn't sure. I was too dizzy to think about it. The fire that moment got enough close to us to melt the ice,making it turn into water and putting out the flames, creating smoke.

'That's me chance'

I gather any power I was left with and fired him. He closed his eyes out of reaction and I started running  looking for and exit. The smoke from before, was covering me and making it hard for anyone to notice me. Finally a window! Before I jumped out of it, from the corner of my eyes I could see Shouto's hand trying to catch me but it was too late I was already out.

I jumped out and use my quirk to prevent my body from hitting the floor too hard. Surprising I landed on someone's strong hands. I looked up only to see ...

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