About ''procrastination''

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Hiiiii guys I'm back like I never left!!! (I'm pretty sure I heard that in a song but I just can't remember the song) Anyways I'm going to be talking( or writing )😕 about the word that affects a lot of people (drum roll somebody) 'procrastination'.

Lord knows the number of times I've procrastinated doing something 😖 but sometimes I just can't help it like take for example
1:Hard working lilian: oh gosh my room is so untidy I should do something about it
Lazy ass Lilian: ugh I can't miss this movie right now perhaps I should just do this later on in the weekend
Trust me weeks are gonna drive by and that room is still gonna be the same thing.
2. Lilian: I should really exercise right now
Lazy ass Lilian: I exercised yesterday perhaps u should just take a break today.
And then today becomes tomorrow and weeks with no exercise done.

So I'm just going to start with the definition of procrastination according to wikitionary (I'm clearing my throat right now) procrastination- The act of postponing, delaying or putting off, especially habitually or intentionally.

But really how do you as a person explain the word 'procrastination'.
I will explain it simply as doing the wrong thing at the right time cause let's say you've got exams but you're playing video games the night before the exam then you're doing the wrong thing(i don't know if you understand).

I think taking responsibility and being mature are major factors in battling procrastination cause basically it's all down to you as a person or human to make the choice about if you want to procrastinate doing something or not.

So imma just put it out there that I'm guilty at procrastination I've probably got a PhD in it but I've decided to deal with my procrastination issues and I thought it will be nice to share it with you guys so here are some of the things that I do that prevent me from procrastinating (clears throat) :

1. Having a to-do book:so I started this while I was in secondary school and trust me this works in battling it. Basically you are just going to have a book(i specifically bought a to-do book for myself) or you could just use your phone(that works too especially if you set the reminder alarm) so you are just going to think of all the tasks that you want to do that particular day and just put it down. I found out that this really helped because it usually gave me a sense of responsibility anytime I completed any of the tasks I set up for myself and even though you might not be able to do everything that you've written but always try to complete more than half of it or the very important ones and trust me you'll start doing your chores or tasks without needing d a to-do book after sometime.

2.face the main problem: so everybody always has that main thing that makes them to procrastinate things for example, it could be your phone, television, talking with friends,watching movies or whatever else it could be that thing is your main problem cause you will discover that it's what tends to make you not do a particular task. Let's say perhaps you are meant to exercise but you've got that particular soap opera showing and you don't wanna miss anything so you say you're going to watch just one episode but that one episode turns into more than twenty episodes and you still wouldn't exercise. I think the solution to this is try to find a balance between what you enjoy doing and those things that you don't like doing but are also important to you. So you could actually do both together by watching the soap opera and also exercising that way you won't miss out on any of the two. But if there's no way that you can perform both actions at the same time then it all comes down to you to decide which task is more important and will benefit you the most and choose.

3. Also you could google about procrastination and how to battle it. Trust me there are a lots of methods on the net that you could use to battle procrastination.

So thank you for taking your time to read my work and I hope I've being able to at least help someone with their procrastination issue, and yeah you could totally just comment if you've got any other tips or just wanna talk about it too and you can always dm me trust me I will certainly reply.

I love you with all my ♥
September 12th,9:45

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