About"That loners guide"

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Another one *in DJ's Khaled voice*

In primary School....or do I say growing up ? ...I never really had friends , I would have really liked to have started this chapter with how I had lots and lots of friends who all loved me and adored me with all my weird habits and my awkward behavior( with the talking and humming to myself thing).

But nahh that would have just being a big fat lie and I was taught not to lie . So the truth of the matter is that I just had no friends,  like nil , zero , nothing.

No matter how much I tried , I just couldn't seem to make the first step in making friends which is probably something like ; eye contact and then a friendly smile at the person
(I still don't think those books that claim to have the ten ultimate methods of making friends work at all!)

I can't really pinpoint the exact day when I realized I was doomed to a special kind of Friendship that involved just one person *awkward silence* that person being me. But I picked up really quick about my special situation and knew I had to improvise.

So I would go home and tell my parents and sisters about how my friends and I had loads and loads of fun in school and how I just had a lots of fun, amazing friends(phantom friends really), thinking about it now I might have exaggerated a lot in the stories I told them( okay I lied before , I still lie) . And the true facts was that the only... Dare I say friends?.. I had were people almost ten years older than me (my sisters and their friends).

Being a loner , might have affected my self esteem for the longest time and made me terribly shy. But I really had no idea on how to relate to people or how to even keep a conversation going, it just seemed to scary for me at that time.

So the above paragraphs talk about being friendless...and being friendless kinda sucks.... nah let me rephrase that .....being friendless sucks big time and the fact that no one wants to be your friend also hurts hurts.And till now I think it still affects me in some way(being terribly shy and all) , even though I've got  real friends now and find it easier to make friends .

And to be honest after writing this , I didn't really want to post it cause I thought it was just too personal and kind of like a stupid thing to talk about I mean who cares about friendship when there's hunger , people dying and a whole lot of important matters to talk about. But I just made up my mind to air it on wattpad.

So I read the invisible Man by H.G. Wells (it's an awesome read and I'd recommend it to you if you haven't read it)  and after reading it I came to the conclusion that perhaps all the main character needed was a friend(the one friend he thought he had also betrayed him at the end) . And yes , maybe he probably deserved dying with all the people he killed but what if someone had stopped looking at him like a freak and had being his friend I believe that would have changed the storyline about him running crazy or something. So perhaps all we need is a friend.

So guys please comment your honest opinion on this chapter because I'm still skeptical​ about it and in case you've got a whole lot that can't be said on the comment section or you also want to write your own "that loners guide" just send it to my email
thatfoodie23@gmail.com and I would post it in this book with your permission of course.

So I just want to dedicate this chapter to the PYOS bookclub , the members and to every other amazing people that gave this book a chance . Thank you so so much for the reads, votes and comments .I love you guys
*hugs for everyone*👐👐😘 💙 💙 💙

October 30 7:08 am.

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