About"let's all be grateful"

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Hi , how you doing ?!
Well I've being feeling down lately like sad kind of down ( which is why I couldn't update last week) because I expected somethings to happen and they just weren't going they I wanted them to go.

So while I was being all sad and gloomy yesterday , I read a chapter from
  how to survive: teenagehood by @howto_  and a particular excerpt just got my attention : writing what you're thankful for everyday takes little to no time and makes you feel so much more positive. It's so easy to get caught up in the negative parts of life , so remembering that there are good things in your life will hopefully improve your positivity.

And I was stunned ! After reading that it was like my eyes had opened and what I had being sulking didn't seem that bad again compared to all the things I had in my life that I should be thankful and grateful for.

I had being so busy sulking about my situation that I couldn't even chill for a minute to see that it wasn't even that bad.

If you think you're in a very bad situation just know that there's someone out there In a much worse situation like yours but isn't letting that weigh them down so why should your tiny problem weigh you down ?

Like what the excerpt said we as humans tend to just make a big deal out of nothing (we make a mountain out of soaked garri😁) . And we start focusing so much on the negative sides that we don't notice the positive sides that's practically jumping up and down in front of us to be noticed!

Isn't it amazing that we all have a lot to be thankful for but we just overlook it thinking it's nothing ( they say you don't know what you have until it's gone ).

So you know what, just pause,  stop reading (for now though 😁) look around and try to pinpoint that one thing you are grateful for around you ( i just did that and I'm grateful for having clothes filling my wardrobe🙏)

Or let's take this a teeny tiny notch higher and think about the littlest things that you're grateful for like ; the green leaves that fall and make raining season just look so beautiful and heavenly🌈 , like the fact that DSTV gave you 5 more extra days after your subscription had finished (true yarn : DSTV once gave us all the channels for 3 days. I was tied , glued , stuck , plastered to the tv for those 3 days!)

Taking this a notch higher I created my "what I'm grateful for list" ( of course while replaying​ songs from DJ khaled's grateful album in my head !😁)

-- I'm grateful for having amazing family  and friends : I'm so honored to be surrounded by amazing and awesome people.

-- You know what they say about" when there's life there's Hope". Well.... I'm grateful for having the opportunity to keep on hoping for greater and better things to come.

-- I'm grateful for the few good people out there that impact people's life positively and help them out(even in little ways) :
there was this time my mum's car stopped moving in the middle of the road(it was a battery problem) and this guy ,who we didn't even know,  parked his car, got down and removed his car's battery to kick start ours . Peepz that just had me smiling , cause instead of him joining the other quite angry drivers yelling at us to carry yes ,carry  the car from the road ! He got down and found a way to make a change instead.

-- I'm grateful for having the basic necessities of life :
yes , I might not have the latest makeup kit by Kylie or the latest iPhone or that shoe that everyone is wearing now ! But I'm grateful that I at least have food to eat , a place to live in, and clothes to wear.

-- I'm grateful for nature :
nature is just too big a word to be totally described by an adjective .Guys nature is just so beautiful ,it could make me cry!  from the sun rising over the horizon showing millions of beautiful colors , to the trees and leaves whispering sweet nothings as the wind softly blows, to the frogs croaking resulting to an almost beautiful harmony . I'm just so blessed to be able to see and experience nature.

-- I'm grateful for you amazing readers for giving this book a chance, adding it to your library, reading , voting, commenting and for even adding it to your reading list . It all means a lot to me. *a million and one sugary kisses for you all*.

So thank you again for your support  and I really want to know what you think of this chapter so just comment away!
Or you could just DM me and I'd really ASAP(it's gonna be a speed of light bad man thing!!)

And if you've also got your what I'm grateful for list you could always share (cause I really want to relate with you) by sending it to my email thatfoodie23@gmail.com and I'd post it up (with your permission of course)

October 30th 7:09am

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