About "being productive"

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So about two weeks ago I realized that i had being staying at home for the past two months or so(due to the fact that I'm through with my final exams and the ASUU strike 😤)

And I asked myself 'Ife what productive things have you being doing with your time at home' and I realized that all I've been doing basically is sleeping,eating,watching lots of TV.

I'm not saying that all what I had being doing are bad but the main problem I had with everything was the fact that I had become so comfortable with the place I was in life that I wasn't even doing anything to improve on myself.

I as a person believe that every new day is a chance for you to improve on yourself, to learn something new , to become a better you. So I guess what really irked me was that I was just sitting at home and not improving on myself.

And this was definitely a wake up call to me to get my arse up and start doing something productive (instead of watching reruns of E-news) all the time with my life really. I guess this was what pushed me to finally get the courage to start writing on wattpad, I even started doing my exercise again , and Yes I started learning French again !!!(it might seem small but I'm ready to start taking baby steps at a time)

So if you think I'm here to advice you on ways/how to be productive ( i.e. how to start doing something with your lazy ass)

Newsflash, that ain't happening cause I  believe that everyone has the choice to determine if they want to remain in one spot in life or continue forging ahead to be a better them.

You as an individual has the choice to determine if you are comfortable with what or where you are in life.
You are the only one that can decide to move ahead or stay put in the same place .

Perhaps for you improving yourself might mean ; learning a new language or being able to follow your diet, or getting that book you've always wanted it even finally completing that DIY project that you abandoned whatever it is you can start taking baby steps each day and you will realize that you are becoming a better you .

There are people in history that also continued to improve on themselves and number one on my list has got to be Thomas Edison.

Everyone knows Thomas Edison or you must I've heard of him as the man that invented the electric light bulb, but what you might not know is that he tried over nine thousand ways to invent the electric bulb but each time the experiment failed and the most amazing things is that he never gave up instead he saw all nine thousand failure as a sign that he was getting more and more closer to finally inventing a functioning electric light bulb (TBH if I were in his shoes I would have given up a long long time ago) but he never gave up.
When asked by a newspaper reporter if he felt like a failure and if he should give up, after having gone through over 9,000 failed attempts, Edison simply stated “Why would I feel like a failure? And why would I ever give up? I now know definitely over 9,000 ways an electric lightbulb will not work. Success is almost in my grasp.”

So the koko of the whole mara(in falz's voice) is that you should always try to be a better version of yourself everyday.

And finally I'm going to leave you guys with a quote that I absolutely love :

“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
— George Bernard Shaw

So I will confess that I almost procrastinated writing this 😒😒 but 'mercy said no' 🙏🙏and I finally wrote it cause this topic had being on my mind for a while now.

So you are always free to comment about what you think or you could just dm me if you're kinda shy

September 18,10:18pm

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