About ''my pretty little fears"

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I admit that I like to be noticed, just as much as other people want to be noticed.

I like it when I'm wearing a t-shirt and someone compliments it or even if it's a new pair of shoes or even if I'm noticed for my behaviors or qualities, just name it.

As much as I like to be noticed, I also don't like being noticed for just being a 'fine girl'.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm the finest person in the world, I'm pretty much an average Nigerian girl.

I can accept this on the normal level when you can have traders or taxi/Okada drivers calling you fine girl, just so you can buy whatever they are selling.

But the level I can't seem to wrap my head around is when people only seem to notice me for being a fine girl.

Like can't they notice me for my brains or for the fact that I write or just any other thing than just classifying me as a fine girl which automatically makes me dumb one at that.

So maybe that's why I keep telling myself that I have to put in the extra work in whatever I do especially my studies, not only to prove to myself but to other people that I actually have a brain and I make use of it efficiently.

And maybe that's why I usually want to be everything in the world. I legit wanted to be a pilot, an actress, an engineer and a doctor all at the same time, when I was young.

And yes that probably makes it seem like I base all my actions on what people think but I just can't help it.
I really just want to be a normal girl, with no questions about being fine or ugly or in-between.

This was inspired by the book,
'the irony of beauty'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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