Chapter Five

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It’s the Christmas holidays! Yay. Since I have nowhere to go I decided to stay at The Leaky Cauldron. I was in The Three Broomsticks, drinking some Butterbeer when Harry and the gang walked in. Ron saw me then looked away, pretending that he didn’t see me. I chuckled- silly boy.

“Hey!” I shouted. They all turned around from the cash register and looked at me. I waved them over and drank the last of my Butterbeer. The reluctantly walked over to me and sat down.

“Oh hey Emma,” Harry started. I smiled and looked into my cup.

“I'm out. I'm going to order some more- you guys want some?” I asked while getting up. They nodded their heads and smiled awkwardly. “K.” I said under my breath and walked over to the cash register. I rang the little bell on the counter about 20 times before the cashier came running over. She looked about 30 years old, had tiny wrinkles on her eyes, and pretty makeup. Overall, she was a pretty, tall and skinny woman.

“Yes, yes I'm here!” She said taking the bell away from me.

“Oh right, yes hi. Four butterbeer’s thanks. Table- uh. Hold on.” I said to her and yelled out to Plotter.

“Hey Plotter! What table are we?” He looked at me with a disapproving look, and then yelled back.

“Table 7!” I nodded once to him and turned back to the pretty cashier.


“7, yes I heard him.” She said annoyingly. “Okay then.” I said under my breath. She started pushing random buttons on the register and it dinged.

“That will be … 8 Sickles.” She said and looked at me patiently. I dug in my pocket and gave her 1 Galleon, then said “Keep the change.”

I walked back over to the table and sat down, looking at the three sitting before me.

“Did you buy them? Oh here-” Hermione started, digging out some money out of her pocket. She got 3 Sickles out of her pocket and placed it on the table. She looked at the money, then me, then the two boys. She looked at the money again and nudged Harry in the ribs, then slapped Ron on the back of his head.

“Ouch Hermione! Oh right…” Harry said. He took out some money also, then Ron. Harry put down 1 Sickle and 29 Knuts- which added up to 2 Sickles.

Ron on the other hand only had 1 Galleon that he didn’t want to give up. I shook my head.

“Nah, you don’t have to pay me back- think of it as a favour. Now you owe me a favour.” I said smiling.

Hermione looked alarmed.

“Oh no I insist! Here I’ll pay you- and now I don’t owe you a favour.” She stuttered. 

“I don’t know what you might make me do. Judging by your background.” She muttered under her breath. A little too loudly may I add.

“Excuse me? What did you just say?” I demanded her, outraged. How dare she say such a thing- that Mudblood!

“I didn’t say anything-”

“Yes you did! I heard you! ‘I don’t know what you might make me do- judging by your background’! How dare you say such a thing? You don’t even know me you- you-” I couldn’t think of a non-offensive word, so I just shouted it out.

“You filthy Mudblood!” I screeched and got up from my seat, so forcefully that the chair fell back and landed on the ground.

I walked over to her and put my face close to hers.

“You’re lucky that I don’t have my wand with me.” I snapped quietly, before leaving and slamming the door.

Harry’s POV

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