Chapter Fourteen

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Harry’s POV

“Can you believe that was Emma? She looks awful!” Hermione exclaimed as we reached the Gryffindor Common Room. Everyone was buzzing about what happened a couple days ago with Emma.

Emma’s POV


I seriously feel like my shoulder and foot are replaced by air. It feels unnatural. So I decided to try and fix it myself. But before I did any of that I got interrupted by someone I didn’t expect to find me. They knocked on the door but I stayed sitting at the dining room table, sipping the Butterbeer that I got just 15 minutes ago. The door burst open, revealing the one and only Bellatrix Lestrange and her sister, Narcissa Malfoy.

“Don’t you know it’s rude to come in when uninvited?” I asked not looking up.

“Emma. How are you doing?” Narcissa asked. I haven’t seen Narcissa since I was 8 years old. She was my mum’s best friend and Lucius, her husband, was my dad’s best friend.

I looked up at her.

“How am I doing? Well let’s see, first I get moved to a stupid school, second I get trialed for shit, third I get sentenced to Azkaban, and fourth I’m on the run. Oh yeah and I’m crazy! I’d say I’m doing pretty well.” I snapped glaring.

“Come on Emma. You’re coming with us- the Dark Lord wants you present at our next meeting.” Bellatrix said looking at the Butterbeer that was in my hand. I scoffed.

“Ha! Yeah right, like I’m going.” I said rolling my eyes. 

“But he wants you to come-” Narcissa started but I cut her off, banging my mug on the table, making the drink splash everywhere.

“Do you think I want this life? To go in hiding, all because of this stupid tattoo? You think that after all that he’s done to me, you expect me to go running after him? Because if you do, you’re wrong Narcissa.” I said fiercely.

There was a long silence.

“Emma, I’m sorry to say this but life isn't fair. You never get anything you want! You’re a deatheater Emma! Embrace it! You have your mother’s blood! You belong with us!” She hissed leaning on the table. I stared at her. I didn’t know what to say. She was right; Life’s a bitch.

“What did you do to your foot? And your shoulder?” Bellatrix said. She waved her wand at my shoulder then my foot. In one sharp stab and a crack it felt normal again. I rolled my ankle and my shoulder.

“Thanks.” I said quietly. I walked upstairs and put my handkerchief over my face. I might as well go. Knowing Bellatrix, there’s only one way; her way. 

I walked back downstairs, took one last gulp of my Butterbeer, walked past Bella and Cissy and stood at the door.

“Come on then.” I said. They smiled and walked to me, grabbing my arms and disapperating to The Malfoy Manor. I took a deep breath and walked along with Narcissa, and Bellatrix was skipping along acting like a child.

“He won’t hurt you Em, you’re the only living blood relative of the Darlington’s. Your parents were his best servants- they died protecting him. Don’t be scared.” Narcissa said when we reached the door. I shook my head.

“I’m not scared of him.” 


We walked in and the first thing I saw was this long dining table with about 20 men and 0 women (excluding Bella, Cissy and I).

A sight surprised me; the light blonde boy Draco was there. 

Everyone stared at me. They didn’t know who I was, until Voldemort acknowledged it.

“Ah, Emma. So glad that you made it.” Voldemort said in his cold scratchy voice.

I stood there looking up and down the table, before taking off my handkerchief. I walked to the table and sat opposite Draco, who was staring at me. I stared at him with a mischievous smile upon my face. Before I left the Shack I took off the long sleeve- I might as well take both of them off. I held my left hand up and scratched the back of my neck, revealing my Dark Mark to Draco.

“Emma, would you like to introduce yourself?” Voldemort asked me. I took a deep breath then exhaled.

“Um, my name is Emma Darlington. I’ve been a deatheater ever since I was 5.” I paused to take a glance at Draco. “My parents were Sarah and William Darlington, loyal servants to Lord Voldemort; they got killed trying to protect him.” I went on.

“Ah, yes. Your parents were indeed very loyal and they sacrificed themselves for me. Very noble.” Voldemort bragged. I placed my forearms on the tabled and leaned in, looking around the table.

“This will be a very short meeting. Emma, I believe you are, as they say, on the run?” Voldemort asked me. I nodded my head. 

“I can’t roam the streets; I found out that I’m No.1 Undesirable a couple days ago.” I said shrugging my shoulders.

Voldemort chuckled.

“Just like your father, don’t have a care in the world whether you’re in trouble or not.” He said. I half smiled and held my chin in the air, keeping good posture.


The meeting was pretty boring, Voldemort just droned on about killing Harry Potter blah, blah. We all left the dining table and went our separate ways; I gave Cissy one last hug and Bellatrix a playful punch on the shoulder, then flew out of there.

‘I really need to learn how to dissaperate.’  I thought to myself before nearly crashing into a windmill. I flew around and landed in front of the Shrieking Shack, where I heard voices coming from inside. I took out my wand and crept up to the window, straining my ears to hear what was happening.

“I’m telling you, I saw her just a couple hours ago! Emma Darlington lives here- and here’s the proof! Look, a drink, and prisoner uniform- this place it definitely used by her!” I heard a man’s voice come from inside.

“All right, all right. We better be off then, come back every day once in a while to see if she’s come back.” Another man said. I heard footsteps come towards the door. I steadied my wand and watched cautiously as the door flew open. Two men emerged and walked slowly towards the hill. I was just halfway in the door when one of them spinned around and ran back. He spotted me. He yelled out and the other ran over and pointed his wand at me; I recognized him as the one I hijacked at Hogwarts a couple days earlier. The other man was a local by the looks of it.

“Emma Darlington! Don’t you dare try anything or we’ll kill you!”

“Shit.” I said. 

“Drop the wand!” One of them called out. I dropped my wand and kicked it away, putting my hands up while laughing crazily.

They quickly and cautiously went up to me and put chains around my wrists.

“Here we go again!” I exclaimed smiling. The local thanked the Ministry worker and left. We dissaperated to the Ministry not long after that.

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