Chapter Ten

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Hermione's POV

We never saw Emma again, until we heard about her in the Daily Prophet a couple months later at the start of the holidays. We were all staying at Sirius’ house.

“Hey guys, look at this.” Ron said after retrieving the newspaper. I took the newspaper and almost choked on my toast.

15 Year Old in Azkaban? – Rita Skeeter

Two months ago Emma Darlington, age 15, was reported to the Ministry about her being one of you Know Who’s follower. I caught up with Emma to see what she had to say.

‘Look Skater- or whatever your name is, I'm not a follower of Voldemort! I am familiar with his work- but if you want more answers come to my trial- everyone’s welcome. I would personally like to invite the people who participated in that day of the break in at the Ministry. That includes Plotter, Granger, the Weasley’s, Longbottom and Loony. It’s on the Saturday of the first week of the holiday, 2:30pm. Now get the hell out of my face!’

 More updates will come on the suspected follower of You Know Who.

“Can you believe it? She’s crazy.” Ron said, looking at the picture of her staring into the camera with a smirk, and holding up an Azkaban sign with her name on it.

“We should go.” Harry said sternly, taking the newspaper out of my hands and staring at the picture of Emma.

“Excuse me?” I asked, my eyes popping.

“We should. We should see what she says about what had happened. She owes us an explanation. She also still hasn’t told me about her background, as she said she would the first day I met her.” He said staring at his Butterbeer intensely, as if he was waiting for the universe to just pop in the cup.

I suddenly remembered something that happened that night. I gasped and ran up the stairs to my room, with Harry and Ron following after me.

“What is it Hermione?” Ron puffed behind me. I reached for my bookcase and took out Dark Wizards; the Old and The New.

“I can’t believe I forgot to tell you about it!” I exclaimed flicking through the pages. I reached the page that has the heading ‘Lord Voldemort’ and has a list of deatheaters.

“What is it Hermione?” Harry asked eagerly.

“Remember when Fudge came to take Emma away? Well he was mumbling to himself about her parents and how they’ve got bad blood! He said that her parent’s names are William and Sarah… And right here! ‘Sarah and William Darlington, most trustworthy and noble to Voldemort’.” I read out loud so the boys will hear me. They had confused faces fixed on their heads. I sighed and explained.

“The reason why she knows Bellatrix and the deatheaters is because of her parents. Her parents were deatheaters, and the best ones at that! They obviously had bad blood, so Emma must have bad blood, that’s why she never mentioned her parents or her home! She lives at the Ministry for Magic. She knew Umbridge and was saying something about her remembering what happened about her knowing the defence against the dark arts things! Honestly, you two are so slow!” That was a mouthful.

Their expressions changed to realisation.

“We have to go to her trial! We have to see her and see what she has to say about herself!” Harry explained. I nodded my head and remembered what day it is.

“It’s Saturday today! The first week of the holidays! Her trial is at 2:30pm- and its 2:20pm! Come on! We should go now!” I shouted pushing them off my bed and down the stairs.

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