Search for Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds Story) Ch. 27

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Hotch's POV

It was only a matter of time before police, an ambulance and the others showed up where Rossi and I still had found Reid. The paramedics were looking him over at the ambulance and from what I could tell, he was in shock and very confused. Looking back at my team they were looking at me for answers.

"How's he doin?" Morgan asked. The one question anyone was afraid to ask.

"The paramedics think he's in severe shock and he sounds incoherent. Whatever happened to him we have to find out. It'll help us find Asia faster." I said. Morgan and JJ exchanged looks before JJ spoke up.

"Hotch when we do the interview may I do it?" JJ and Reid had always been close friends. I nodded.

"Yes. Bring Rossi with you. Any little detail will help us." I said before walking away and over to Reid. He seemed to be in a state of shock and the bruises and cuts were minor, but one of the paramedics had put stitches in the cut on his forehead. I took a seat next to Reid almost startling him.

"How're you holding up?" I asked. Spencer stayed silent. His intelligent brain wasn't functioning due to dehydration, lack of sleep and physical abuse. I waited patiently though knowing he would answer me.

"We have to find her Hotch." Reid's cracked voice uttered out. "Her baby is almost due and we can't have her die or even give birth here." he suddenly coughed violently and gasped for breath. I looked over at Reid.

"We'll find her. Right now we need to make sure you're taken care of so you can help us. If anyone knows the location of them it's you." I said before getting up and going over to the paramedics/police. I noticed Morgan go over to Spencer and sit down next to him. His face had fallen as he sat next to Spencer, who mumbled out details and other things. My phone suddenly rang and I picked it up.

"What's up Garcia?" I asked.

"How's the boy wonder?" she asked right away. I glanced over at Reid then sighed.

"He's in a state of shock. Once he's calm down enough JJ and Rossi are going to try a cognitive interview with him." I explained. "Anything you found that could help us track them down sooner than later?"

"The only thing I picked up is where Asia's GPS signal got lost. She did have her phone but she either lost it or the signal was lost." she explained.

"Send me the coordinates right away. Any little detail to help find them is useful." I said.

"Right away." Garcia said before hanging up. It was seconds later I received the email of the coordinates of where Asia's phone had been last tracked. It was a couple streets away from the area we had found Reid stumbling down the road.

"He must be nearby." I said making Rossi come over and look at the coordinates. He took the phone and zoomed out a bit on the map.

"It's near some local warehouses. The police here said that there were some warehouses that were abandoned over the city but they couldn't remember all where. Asia might be in one of the abandoned ones nearby these coordinates." Rossi said looking over at me. He pulled out his phone and dialed Garcia, putting her on speaker.

"Yes good sir how can I help?" she asked.

"Garcia you're on speaker with Hotch and I. We need you to check out where those coordinates are, what the area is. Is there any supposedly abandoned buildings within a five mile radius?" Rossi asked. In the background you could hear her typing on her keyboard.

"There are some abandoned buildings; a couple run down apartments and some storage houses nearby."

"Send us the address of the storage houses. We think we know where Asia is." I said before hanging up. It was within seconds all of us got the address of the storage houses. I turned to the team,

"Rossi you and JJ stay here, try to do a cognitive interview with Reid. The rest of us will go the warehouses." Rossi nodded.

"Keep us updated." he said. I gave him a quick nod and jumped into the black SUV.

"We need to have back up, be prepared. We don't know how powerful these men really are." I said to Morgan as we were speeding down the road to the address. He was silent but understood.

"You think the kid will be okay?" he asked. I sighed quietly as we approached closer.

"I think he'll be fine." I said. "C'mon let's go." I pulled on the FBI vest and pulled out my gun. Motioning to Morgan we approached the warehouse slowly, with the police as our backup. Holding up my gun I silently approached the door. Looking left and right I motioned to Morgan to knock down the door.

Going inside quickly was Morgan, the police chief and a couple other cops and myself. We searched every room trying to find any sign of Asia.

"Agent Hotchner." a german policeman spoke with a thick accent. I looked up at him.

"What is it?" I asked. He was near a stairwell leading into a basement.

"I think someone was here but they're gone now." he said pointing to the trail of blood that led down the stairs. The other cop came from the room emerging in the entrance of the room.

"No one here sir." he said.

"Where in the hell could they have taken her?" Morgan muttered putting his gun in his holster. I sucked in a breath as I replied to his question.

"I dont know but let's get forensics on this right away. We got a lot of work to do."

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