Search for Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds Story) Ch.11

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Asia's POV

I looked at the woman frightened. She was an out of state mind and she needed some damn professional help. Where was Doctor Wilson, though? I had called him. The floor he was on - Neurology - probably wouldn't let him come down because the alarm for Hostile situation had gone off. Damn nurses. I stayed calm and stood next to Clara and a few other nurses. I saw Darlene speaking into her radio. I glanced over at Clara and spoke quietly,

"Why'd you almost sacrifice yourself like that?" it took a moment for Clara to think but she finally responded to my question. I had barely heard the girl talk and she was real quiet.

"Because I know about you. Your a good nurse. You have a life with a child and have a FBI agent for a husband. Who would want to lose that?" she asked. Clara was right. I didn't want to lose my three year old Annabelle. Or my husband Spencer. Clara looked over at me.

"I lost my husband and child in a car accident. I dont need to see a good woman lose hers."

"No talking!" Darlene's sharp voice snapped and pointed the gun at us making us shrink back. I silently prayed that the FBI, Police and SWAT team were outside forming a plan willing, no, ready to break in and beat that woman's sorry ass any moment so I could just run into Spencer's arms and get out of here safely. I would take off work for a week. Summer could take my shifts. Maybe.


We had gotten Darlene's demand and none of us weren't happy. I looked over at Hotch who was talkking to Emily and was pinching the bridge of his nose, obviously frustrated. We all were. The god damn woman was holding a Hospital hostage. And there was more than one person with her. On all days this had to happen I didn't understand why, but it was party of daily life and part of our job. I glanced over at Reid who was watching the video footage in the lobby. He was watching Asia. 

"Kid you know she wont hurt her. Asia's smart. She knows well enough from your job she wont interrogate her to get someone or herself shot." Reid could only nod and still watch the screen.

"I know." Reid then put on his thinking face.

"What is it Genius?" I asked.

"She asked for an agent in trade of a hostage..."

"Yeah so what?" I said noticing his obvious. He looked at me as if I had should have known what he was saying.

"Let me go in." My face fell and I shook my head.

"Nuh uh. Reid you are not going in there. Your head is not clear and you're not thinking rationally. I know you're loved one is there, but there are other hostages in there besides your wife." Reid's face scrunched up and Hotch walked over noticing the little argument.

"What's going on?" he asked glancing back and forth between us.

"Reid wants to go in." Hotch shot Reid a look.

"I'm not sacrificing one of my agents." Hotch pulled Reid aside. "Reid I know your worried about Asia - we all are - but you need to clear your head and think straight. If you can't do that I may have to take you off this case. Am I clear?" Reid stood with a frustrated frown plastered on his face.


"Yes sir." he said quietly before walking over to where Emily was observing Darlene's behaviour. I sighed before looking at Hotch. He and I both knew Reid was getting stressed about his wife being in there, hostile by a pyschopathic woman. But it didn't last long when gun shots rang out in the air.

A/N: sorry to cut the suspense so short. I need to get on with the story kinda :P

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