Search for Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds Story) Ch.2

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It was another day at the hospital in the ER. My friend Summer and I worked in the emergency room - Summer was a nurse and worked emergency surgery and I worked in the clinic and ER, switching shifts. Today was my shift in the Clinic at least. I hated working in the ER. Too much blood and too much broken bones.

"Next patient!" I came into the room, holding my clipboard. "Mary Jones." I announced, looking down at the clipboard then back up at the room full of crowded people. A young frail girl with red hair and freckles, about 25 years old stood up. She was wearing a summer dress and her hair was in a ponytail. She looked pale and shaky. I smiled at her as she walked over to me.

"Come with me Mary." I said leading her to a room nearby. She smiled slightly and followed me into the room and sat down on the bed with the paper on it. I scanned her clipboard before asking,

"Now how are you feeling today?" I asked looking up at her. She swallowed before answering,

"Very tired and I've been sick for the past two weeks." she said with a light sniffle followed by a sneeze.

"Bless you." I said scanning her charts more thoroughly.

"Thank you," she said blowing into a tissue she had. "I dont know what's the matter. I've had migraines, sinuses... it feels like a cold." she said looking at me with a worried look. I nodded and pulled out a thermometer.

"I'm going to check your temperature and see if you have a fever," I said placing the thermometer in her ear. I waited a minute before it beeped. It was 99.8. I frowned slightly.

"Slight fever. That probably explains migraines and the cold like symptoms. Tell you what," I said pulling out a pen and scribbling down some information. "I'm going to have you take some anti-biotics we'll see what that does for you." I said ripping off the piece of paper and handing it to her. She nodded and took the piece of paper.

"Okay, thank you." she said tucking the paper in her pocket. "I'll get some right away." she said before saying good bye and leaving to go get her prescribed medication. I walked out and to the front and picked up another folder, only to run into Summer. I looked at her funny.

"I thought you had the ER shift today." I said and she chuckled.

"No I got clinic duty." she said picking up a file marked: Haley Young

I nodded and scanned through my file before closing it. "Well then. I guess I'll see you at lunch break." I said with a chuckle before continuing my work.


We were all on the plane flying to Baltimore for a new case. We were briefly discussing the outcomes, statistics (thanks to me) and the victimology. I had called Asia and left a voice mail and message at the hospital for her saying where I was headed and I wouldn't be home for a few days. We had some quiet time on the plane needing a break for thinking and to look over the case closely. I looked over the file: it was a young, 21 year old girl names Albranee Brookes. She had been known for her tenniss tournaments in college, a straight A student and worked at a nearby gas station. She was abducted a few nights before her killing and found outside the gas station she worked at. It wasn't a pretty case.

I looked out the window and wondered how my wife was doing. I hoped she was doing okay at the hospital. I didn't realize how long I was gazing out the window til I heard Morgan calling for my attention.

"Hey pretty boy! What'cha thinkin' about?" he asked with a sly smile. I tried hiding the blush that spread across my face but was unsuccessful.

"Nothing." I said and Morgan only laughed. Now everyone was looking at me, interested.

"He's probably thinking about the next statistic he's going to say." Emily said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes and noticed we'd be landing soon.

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