Search for Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds Story) Ch.15

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Jemare's POV

I stayed hidden in the shadows. I was wanted for burglaries and murders. Like I gave a shit? I was in the shadows watching a poor Amish family digging in the trash for food. It was a young mother of about 25 and two younger girls between six and ten. The girls were a perfect target. I pulled out my blade from my pocket and played with it, opening and closing it. It made me think of my old memories if any were left,

"Jemare!" my mother yelled at me. I had forgotten to take out the trash and if anyone forgot to take it out it could really quickly stink up our house fast. It was a small house. My mother rushed into my room an anger look twisted on her face.

"Y-yes mom?"  she was Amish. I had been adopted into an Amish family when I was five and I was now ten.

"Did you forget to take out the trash? It wasn't your brother's responsibility." she snapped. I hung my head in shame. I did. It wasn't my fault. I got sidetracked outside. My mother huffed and dragged me by my ear outside in the back. She grabbed the paddle.

Please no, not the paddle.


"Mom please no! I said I w-was sorry!" I whimpered. She snarled at me.

"Sorry doesn't cut it boy!" she said smacking me again. I let out a whimper and I was sick and tired of her shit. I had had enough! I pulled out the knife that was hidden in my sock and pointed it at her. She dropped the paddle and her face looked terriffied.

"Jemare sweetie..." she said swallowing. I shook my head.

"NO! I'm sick of your fake love bullshit." for a ten year old I had a mouth. "You deserve this more then anybody." I said. She was on the ground now crying and praying to the lord that she'd be spared.

Fuck that!

I stabbed her in her abdomen making her bleed out and she fell down onto her back. She looked at me, my eyes cold and emotionless.

"J--J-J-Jemare..." she sputtered out before I finally took the knife and slit her throat. I got some grass and quickly cleaned off the knife, wiping any trace of fingerprints. I then left the knife and ran.

And didn't stop running.

It was now dark and the girls were huddled underneath a big box that was abandoned in the alleyway. The mother was huddling with her daughters and they looked scared. One of the little girls had short dark hair and dirt all over her cheeks.

"Mommy when are we gonna get food?" she asked. The mother sighed and held her little girl tightly to her.

"I dont know sweetie." she said. I slipped out quietly and closer to them. The mother looked around as if she heard something. She heard me coming closer but she didn't expect me. I smirked and as they got cozier and cozier, I waited.

Nightfall. My favorite time of the day.

The girls were sound asleep and it was my one chance.

I approached them and slowly but cautiously, I grabbed at the mother, who let out a muffled scream. I held my hand over her mouth. The little girls woke up instantly and started crying.

"Let mommy go!" the ten year old wailed.

"She did nothing to you!" the one with dark hair pleaded. Her big eyes were filled with tears and she cowered into her sister. The mother kept struggling in my arms and I punched her gut, making her wince.

"It's okay babies. Mommy is fine." she said trying to fight back. I looked over at the little girl with big eyes and dark hair. She reminded me of my childhood. The others still had to go. I hung on tightly to the mother and pulled out my knife.

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