Search for Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds Story) Ch.22

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Spencer's POV

My eyes opened and I was in a dark room with a bed and a dim lamp. My eyes felt blurred and my right eye felt like it was swelling up. My head was hurting and I felt my hands tied to the handle of the chair. There were then footsteps.

It was him.

I shrunk back only to be relieved of the person I was seeing.

My wife. wife?!

"Spence!" she cried jerking at the cage bars before pulling out a key and unlocking the lock. How did she get here? How'd she know I was here? So many questions were swarming my head it was too much. I felt myself get engulfed in a hug.

"Spencer I need to get you out of here." she said trying to pull at the rope on my wrists. I finally found words to speak.

"Asia, you need to get out of here before he finds you." I said and she looked at me, panic in her eyes. Tears started forming in my eyes and she was shaking.

"Spencer I'm not leaving you. You have a family and a new baby on the way." she said trying to pull more at my rope. I hissed in pain and my heart beat fast. He was going to show up any second. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest making my body and head fly back.

"Spencer! Spencer wake up!" Asia's voice was fading and I gasped for breath.


Jerking into an upright position I was breathing heavily. My head still hurt and I felt the side of my head feel sticky. Blood. Gritting my teeth I tried wiggling out of the ropes but it was no use.

"Dr. Reid." a dark voice spoke making me look up. It was him the guy who had hit me.

"Who are you?" I asked not really wanting to know the answer. The figure stood before revealing himself in the light. My eyes widened in fear and my heart began to race, along with my palms beginning to sweat.

It was other than Jemare Hoffman.

Hotch's POV

It had been a few days since Aaron had heard from Spencer. Garcia hadn't heard word either as for the rest of the team... they didn't know where Spencer even was. Everytime Hotch tried attempting to call Reid it went straight to voicemail and this was concerning. He picked up the phone and dialed Garcia.

"Yes what can I do you for sir?" she asked. The pep in her voice wasn't much there since she and Hotch were the only ones about his disappearance. By now he should've been back home, whether the mission succeeded or failed. It was mandatory by the director who had now also been informed about Spencer's disappearance.

"Any luck trying to contact Reid?" he asked hoping Garcia would give him good news. He didn't get the good news he wanted.

"I'm sorry sir but I can't track him. GPS is disabled on his phone and its gone straight to voicemail everytime." she said wishing she could help find Reid faster. He had a family to go back home too and with him gone, the team would now have to get involved. Hotch sighed and bid his good bye to Garcia. It was time to get the team involved.

He walked out to the bullpen seeing JJ, Rossi, Morgan and Prentiss talking while doing their paperwork.

"Attention everyone," he said making all heads look up at him. "I need everyone in the conference room immediately." he said before going to get Garcia. Everyone in the bullpen was now confused but worried at the same time. It's like everyone had a bad gut feeling. Once everyone gathered in the conference room Aaron handed out the file of Reid's mission.

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