Search for Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds Story) Ch.9

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Spencer's POV

Police, the Quantico FBI and ambulances were parked outside of Quantico Memorial Hospital. I was helping out Hotch, JJ and Rossi about the possiblity of walking in there and talking to the woman who was holding my wife hostage, but Strauss had told us it was dangerous. Normally if it were any other person I wouldn't have been so worried, but it was my wife. A family member at stake.

"That's my wife in there, though!" I said giving her a pleading look. Strauss only sighed heavily. She knew I wanted to do something but she also didn't want to go against the Board of Directer's rules or decisions.

"Dr.Reid We can't be sending in our agents and having them shot." I sighed and walked away, Morgan following behind. He walked up behind me as I watched the Police run around and everyone behind the yellow tape wonder what was happening. People behind the tape were murmering and news crew were talking live about the situation. It was too much.

"We'll get Asia out of there. We just got to figure this out first." he said and I nodded before heading back over to the rest of team.

"Any info on who the whereabouts of our hostage taker is Garcia?" Hotch asked to the speaker of his phone. Garcia made some typing noises with her computer and answered,

"No sir."

"Check security cameras." I suggested. Hotch glanced at me then back at the phone.

"Gotcha. I"ll do that and get back to you."

"Thanks Garcia." Hotch said before hanging up the phone. He then turned back to the rest of us as we waited for Garcia to pull up security cameras, hoping to find something useful.  It was only a matter of seconds before Garcia called back.

"What's up Garcia?" JJ asked.

"Okay I got some security images by the front desk in the hospital. A woman with blonde hair, about six feet tall. It doesn't show her face cause she's good at not looking at the camera, and she's wearing all black clothing. I'm sending you the feed now." she said. Moments later four screens popped up of different sections of the hospital.

"The one in the bottom right is the one you are looking at." Garcia proceeded. We all examined her behavior, actions and surroundings. I watched Asia too as she interacted with the woman. She was calm and she did notice something was wrong with her, but tried not to point it out. Then the woman pulled out a gun and aimed it at Asia. My body tensed up and I looked carefully at the footage. People were screaming, running around and scrambling out of the nurse's station, while Asia and the mystery blonde woman remained, along with a few other patients. I watched as Asia made a phone call then the blonde haired woman pointed to the wall with her gun, Asia slowly making her way.

"That's all I could get sir." the screen then went static.

"Someone cut the power to the security camera in the main lobby." Hotch said.

"Which means there are two of them." Rossi said. There was a moment of silence between the team. This was going to be a very difficult situation.

Asia's POV

My body tensed as patients panicked and Nurses scrambled out of the main lobby of the hospital. There remained a few patients; a mother and her three year old little girl, a young teenager who looked about twenty, and an old man, along with a few other nurses. The physchopathic blonde woman held her gun at me and I glanced at the exit doors. I knew by now Spencer and his team were outside. I hoped he was developing a plan to get inside and fix this whole situation. 

"Where the HELL is Doctor Wilson?" the blonde woman yelled, making me cringe. 

"I--I dont know. I'm sure he'll be here any sec-" she pulled the trigger of the gun making a gun shot ring through the walls. 

"He needs to be here now. Can't you tell I'm sick," she said coughing and wiping at her nose, which was leaking blood. I got up a little too quickly and she aimed her gun at me.

"Dont move." she said. My heart beat quickly and I raised my hands up.

"Your nose is bleeding. That could be a sign of upper respiratory infection or high blood pressure. Please, let me look at it." I tried coaxing her. She wrinkled her face before wiping at her nose, smearing blood on her arm. She narrowed her eyes.

"I'll be fine." she snapped before pulling off the safety. "Now back against the wall before I kill somebody in here. AND GET ME DOCTOR WILSON!"

Hotch's POV

We were outside discussing a way to get in without the team getting hurt when a gunshot was fired. Police acted quickly as did the rest of the team. I spoke into a walkie talkie that was pinned into my jacket,

"Shots fired in the main lobby." I glanced at Reid who had a quick look of a terrified expression on his face. I sighed heavily and went over to Strauss.

"We need to get in there. We can't be standing around doing nothing." Strauss gave me a look.

"A family member is in there." I said and she gave in.

"Okay, but Im not taking responsibilty if someone gets hurt."  I went over to where Reid, Rossi and Morgan were. Morgan looked up at me.

"What's goin' on?"

"We need a plan to get in there and get Asia out of there." I said and a look of relief spread across Reid's face. As we were discussing our plan, the phone connected to the hospital's main line rang and Rossi answered.

"This is SSA Agent Rossi." he greeted. After listening for a bit he looked up at me and I pressed a button on the phone, which put it on speaker.

"What do you want?" there was a cough and shouting in the background.

"I need a cure. I'm fucking sick and not even my damn doctor can cure me. I've been to six different doctors and three different hospitals. Now, if I can't get a cure, there's gonna be lots of bodies to clean up afterwards. And I thought hospitals were supposed to HELP people, not kill people."

"Now Darlene," Rossi started but there was a click. I took in a breath and looked over my collegues. This situation had to get under control - fast.

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