Search for Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds Story) Ch.16

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Reid's POV

I rushed into the room where our survivor was waiting. Female officer Katie Mershin handed me a file of the report. I opened it up and skimmed through it.

"She came running in screaming for help saying a guy had murdered her family." she said frowning. I nodded before slowly going on in. The girl jumped looking scared. I took my seat in front of her. She had big eyes and dark hair. She was awful brave to run for a six year old and very lucky.

"Hi I'm Spencer Reid of the FBI. I'm going to ask you a few questions. Do you think you can help me answer them so we can catch the guy who hurt your mom and sister?" I asked her gently. The girl sniffled and wiped at her nose with her arm before nodding.

"Y-yeah I can do that." she said sounding upset. "I-Is that guy gonna find me here?" she asked. I shook my head.

"No you're safe here with us." she nodded before waiting for me to continue.

"What's your name?" I asked. The girl was quiet before answering,

"My names Natalia Bridges. Why'd that guy kill my family?" she asked starting to cry. She was very brave for a six year old. I frowned before clasping my hands together.

"That's what we're here to figure out Natalia. What were you and your family doing before he attacked you?"

"We were digging in the trash for food. We had no money to buy food so we dig in trash. Mommy had no money since she lost her job at the market." Natalia looked away sniffling. I nodded.

"Did you notice anything unusual before he attacked? Feel like someone was watching you or anything?" Natalia shook her head.

"No. We were just hungry. We wanted food. And the guy up the street didn't have any leftovers to give us." she said starting to cry.  "He said maybe tomorrow I'll have something for you. He smiled at me before we walked away like he was gonna promise." Natalia smiled sadly and looked up at me.

"Did anyone have any grudges against your mom?" I asked. Natalia shrugged.

"I dont know." I nodded scribbling it down.

"What was your mom and sisters name?" Natalia frowned lightly.

"My sister's name was Ashley and mommy's name was Charice."

After done questioning Natalia I went back out with the other agents and officers.

"We just got done looking at auto-topsies. The mother's neck was slit but the child was strangled to death. He changed his MO." one of the agents said. I frowned in thought before dialing up Garcia.

"Gimme something." she said.

"Look up the background of Charice Bridge." I said.

"! Charice was from the Amish culture, lived on a farm since childhood until her family kicked her out for marrying someone who didn't meet the family standards. Had two kids. The father left them." she said.

"Anything about a job at a market?"

"Lemme see.... Yes! She had a job for ten years at the local flea market until recently she got laid off for losing money."

"Alright thanks Garcia." I said hanging up. I looked at the wall where I had everything displayed from clues to coordinates of where Jemare might possibly be. I sighed. We really needed to catch this guy. We were lucky to get a six year old survivor. We need to catch him before he kills anymore.

Hotch's POV

I had gotten Reid's sent files about Jemare's brother as a suspect so I flew out to San Fransisco, California to check it out for Reid. Driving out to BIGIDEAS INC I hope the brother was as clean as he claimed to be. His record said so but it doesn't mean he was. I pulled up into the parking lot and got out, walking toward the main entrance of the building.

'Hi can I help you?" the lady at the front asked me. I pulled out my badge showing her and her eyes widened a little.

"FBI I'm Agent Hotchner. I'm here to see Gerard Hoffman." I said.

"Is he in trouble?" the lady asked.

"No but I just need to speak with him." the lady nodded and picked up the phone. She dialed a few numbers and waited before someone picked up.

"Yeah I need Gerard Hoffman to come down to the front entrance. An FBI agent is here to see him...yes that's right...alright thank you." she then put down the phone and looked at me.

"He'll be right down Mr.Hotchner." she said waiting patiently behind her desk. Finally a guy who looked similar to Jemare came down. He was in an Engineers uniform and looked as if he had been real busy.

"FBI agent? Jill is this some joke?" he asked his German accent thick. I held out my badge him turning around.

"Gerard Hoffman?" he looked at me narrowing his eyes.

"It's no joke. Come with me." I said leading us to a more private room.


"I dont care about where my brother is. I'm not in his life anymore. After mom died and he ran away I was on my own. Damn social services were gonna come get me so I took off." he said looking at me with a straight face. How could he just have a straight face? Something was unusual about him.

"When was the last time you heard from Jemare?" I asked. Gerard shrugged.

"Maybe a few years back. I dont know. It's been a while. I didn't want nothing to do with him after mom died. I suspected he had something to do with mom's death but I was just a teenager. I didnt know any better."

"It's okay. You were just growing up and didnt know what to do." I said. After more questioning I pulled out a card.

"Call if you remember or know anything else." I said. Gerard nodded. As I was heading out the door Gerard called out,

"Agent!" I turned around.

"I got this funny voicemail on my phone. It was very staticy and there was a scream in the background. It got real quiet and someone said sorry. I dont know if that helps you any?" I looked at him.

"It helps a lot Gerard. Thank you." I said before going to my car and heading back to the airport to report in with Reid.

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