Search for Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds Story) Ch.5

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The next morning Spencer Reid was up bright and early, along with the rest of his team. He had sent a morning text to Asia telling her to have a good day and to give a hug and kiss to Annabelle for him. He walked downstairs to the lobby where breakfast was being served and got himself a quick cup of coffee, joining Morgan and Prentiss at a nearby table.

"Morning." Prentiss greeted him as he sat down with the two at the table. He noticed Hotch sitting in a chair reading the paper and sipping at some coffee before they had to take off to the police station in downtown Baltimore. Spencer took a sip at his coffee and gave a nod at Prentiss back for his 'good morning' greeting. Morgan looked at him.

"Pretty boy sleep alright?" he asked trying to hide the laughter behind his smirk. Spencer rolled his eyes, ignoring the smirk Morgan held on his face.

"I slept just fine." he retorted drinking at his coffee. He would definetly need another cup at the station.

"Did Asia tell you what the phone call was about?" Morgan continued and Spencer nodded in return.

"She wants to hook you up with one of her friends." Prentiss looked over between the two.

"Who? Asia?" she asked. Morgan nodded and leaned back in his chair just as JJ came downstairs.

"Yeah. She said she has a friend who wants to meet me. I agreed I would as soon as we got back to Quantico." Prentiss chuckled.

"Ooh morgan's going out on a date." she teased and Morgan rolled his eyes with a slight smile. They then looked up to see Aaron standing up in front of their table.

"We should head to the station. It's almost ten. We should get there while it's a decent hour." the four of them nodded and headed out to the SUVs.

Spencer walked into the station and sat down at the table. They all than began discussing about the possible ideas of where the unsub could be. They already had a profile for him and had it released out on the news. They had 2 dead bodies already and one missing. A young 15 year old girl was missing and they were limited on time. Hopefully today would be the day they'd find her, and he could just go home to his family and rest.

"We've got limited time to find 15 year old Abbey Warren before the unsub can possibly kill her. Garcia, what do you got?" Hotch said, speaking into the phone that sat into the middle of the table.

"Let me see. Typing away," Garcia said mumbling something underneath her breath. "Bullzeye." she said.

"What'cha got babygirl?" Morgan asked. Everyone at the table was anxious to always get something, some type of good news.

"The unsub who is Mark Wardinger, age 42, lives at 2364 May St. is an ex-convict who was released one month ago and working at a nearby gas station named Citgo. His criminal record shows he was arrested for sexual harrassment, attempted rape and theft."

"Alright. JJ, Reid and Morgan go to that address and see if Wardinger is there. Thanks Garcia." Aaron said before hanging up the phone. Spencer quickly got up and followed JJ and Morgan out the door and to the SUV before the three of them sped to Wardinger's address.

"This is our only chance to see if Wardinger is holding Abbey at his house." JJ said as they sped down the road. No one said anything as they quickly pulled into the driveway, strapped on their bullet proof vests and walked toward the house. Spencer knew that this was the part of his job that Asia hated. He could get shot or killed or hurt. He always reassured her that he would be fine, though his past in the BAU wasn't so great. He shook his head of his thoughts as he and Morgan crept along the side of the house, JJ on the other side and Morgan signaled her it was alright.

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