The Guessing Game

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Jesse McCree sat alone at a random bar in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Back from a job he felt weary but wasn't ready to go back to his little shack and sleep, so instead he was keeping himself out of the rain, out of trouble and awake by drinking whiskey by himself. It was the dead hour, where the bar was mostly empty--the party animals gone but the stragglers still hanging around. No one bothered anyone else while some soft music drifted through the speakers. He nodded as the bartender offered him the whiskey bottle, waving his fingers so the man would leave it beside him, as he poured the brown liquid into his glass he heard the door open but didn't bother to look.

Satisfied with the amount Jesse put the bottle down and lifted the glass to his lips and sipped, the liquid fire warming him as it traveled through him. He held the glass up to his eyes and inspected the neat liquid inside, sighing to himself as the song changed, and a body appeared two seats down from him.

"Oh, nothing for me thanks, just waiting out the storm." The voice was female, out of habit Jesse glanced over to see a short woman wearing a leather jacket climb up on the seat and place her arms on the bar. The woman reached up and removed her glasses from her face, shrugging off her jacket as the bartender spoke, making her stop.

"Shelter is for customers only." The big man growled, jerking his thumb to the door as lightning flashed fiercely.

"I'm guessing directions cost too huh?" The woman asked coolly, sliding her jacket back into place as the bartender nodded silently. "Alright, well, ain't got the cash to wait this out."

"I got ya," Jesse said, nodding to the bartender as the man cocked an eyebrow at him. "Ladies choice." Jesse raised the glass in his hand as a salute and took another long sip.

"Care to share yours cowboy?" The woman smiled, sliding off her stool and coming to sit by Jesse as the bartender placed a small, squat glass in front of Jesse.

"Long as you can't outdrink me," Jesse smirked, pouring her some of the whiskey until she stopped him.

"No worries there--Whoa, whoa, that's enough partner! You tryin' to share or kill me?" She laughed as she slid the glass over to her.

"Names McCree," Jesse held out his good arm to her, and she shook it awkwardly, "Jesse McCree."

"[Y/N]." The woman smiled back and lifted her glass, taking a small sip. "So is it just for looks?"


"Your outfit, or are you a real cowboy?" The woman asked, her eyes flowing from Jesse's hat to his boots, taking it all in. "Shouldn't you be out wrangling some bad hombres?"

"What do you think is payin' for your drinks darlin?" He chuckled, removing his peacekeeper revolver from his hip holster and laid it on the bar, making the woman cough in surprise. When she gathered her composure she whistled in admiration, pointing to it she asked.

"May I?"

"Sure, just let me empty it first." Before Jesse could pick the gun back up the woman scoffed and grabbed it, emptying it without the need of explanation, much to Jesse's surprise.

"Oh, please cowboy, not my first firearm." She laughed and handed him the bullets before closing it back and inspected it, careful to not point it at anyone or put her finger on the trigger.

"You said you needed directions?" Jesse asked, observing her as she turned the gun over gently and ran her fingers over the metal, taking extra care to keep the trigger clear.

"Yeah...but I doubt this place looks the same." She laughed and looked down the gun as if she was going to shoot the bottle on the shelf in front of her. "I was here years ago, wanted to visit a place I remember." She hummed, and a distant look crossed her face as she laid the revolver back on the bar, barrel pointing away from them both.

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