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A young man with shaggy brown hair dipped his brown cowboy hat down over his eyes as the two women in front of him laughed hysterically. He grit his teeth and trying to regain some of his confidence, backed away before he turned around and walked back to the side of a large man dressed in a black button-up shirt and dark jeans, a black beanie on his head.

"Struck out again huh?" The big man rumbled with laughter, crossing his well-toned arms over his chest as the boy's face flushed pink with embarrassment.

"Shut up!" The boy snapped, shoving his hands into the pockets of his blue jeans.

"This is ridiculous." A blonde man growled as he walked up, glaring down at the boy who still hid his face under his cowboy hat. "Why are we even here? There's work to be done."

"Relax Morrison." The man in black sighed, his dark eyes scanning the room. "Our new recruit has intel that 'El Lobo' frequents these events." He slapped a gloved hand on the boys back, making him lurch forward. "He gets an in from him using his old gang ties, and we can find out where their base of operations is and take them down."

"You mean if, he gets an in Reyes." The blonde growled, crossing his arms and glaring down at the younger boy as he finally lifted his hat and adjusted it. "I'm not sure he can pull this off."

"Fuck off, old man." The young boy growled. "You have no choice, and it's not an if, its a when I get an in from him." He used one hand to tilt his gold belt buckle up at the blonde who narrowed his eyes at the letters 'BAMF', "I'm one bad ass mother fucker, and I'm gonna prove it to ya."

"You can't even manage to get a girl to dance with you, I'm supposed to believe you have it in you to convince an arms smuggler to work with you?" The blonde turned, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall. The boy looked to where the two women had been and saw them eyeballing the two older men beside him. Glancing quickly he surveyed the men and tried to see what the women saw in them, that he apparently lacked.

Both Reyes and Morrison were much taller than him, them being full grown men in their thirties and he only being seventeen. Their shirts were stretched tight across their massive arms and chests, and the boy glanced down at his tall and lanky figure. Suddenly he felt less masculine than he had when they had arrived. He felt his ears get hot with anger as he glanced back at the women before storming off to the bar to get a drink.

"Jack I swear to god," the boy heard Reyes snap as he walked away. "You fuck up my operation, and I'll kick your ass all the way back to base in Switzerland."

Jesse Mccree leaned on the bar and glanced over the drinks on the wall, but when he tried to get the female bartenders attention, he was coldly ignored in favor for an older man drinking from a large stein. Huffing Jesse let his head drop against the bars top and left it there when he felt someone sit a glass to the right of him. Turning his head, he noticed the woman beside him and sighed heavily.

"Buy me a drink, Ana." He mumbled sadly.

"Your underage Jesse." The Egyptian woman chuckled, "It's not only illegal, but it's also bad for you."

"Well it's very good for my courage," Jesse growled as he leaned over the bar and grabbed a beer bottle and pulled it back over the side, jumping out of Ana's reach as she tried to take it from him. "I gotta be on my game mami." He twisted the top off and tossed it behind the counter before taking a sip, making the older woman glare at him.

"Jesse, you have tons of courage, what this really about?" She growled, grabbing him by the ear, making him wince.

"Nothin, just nerves." He yelled out as Ana twist his ear further, making him lean toward her. "Ok, so I got knocked down a few pegs, I needed a pick me up." Ana let him go and put a hand to her head in annoyance, sighing heavily.

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