Something Stupid

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Jesse sighed as he cleared away the table quickly, it was the height of tourist season, and everyone was flocking to the restaurant; wanting to sit outside at the round tables with the white cloths and be served by the pretty native girls in their bright and tight salsa style dresses. He stacked the plates neatly and quickly and sat them inside the tub he was carrying around. Jesse heard lots of people conversing, and as his eyes searched the restaurant, he picked up on a few words 'Deadlock', 'Los Muertos,' 'Killings.' He dropped his eyes back to the tub and picked it up, turning around to take it to the kitchen when the voice of a female made him freeze.

"Is this table free?"

Jesse felt his heart flip in his chest as he laid down the tub on an empty table beside him and turned to look at the girl who was speaking to him, but before he could get a word out, he had to lean back to avoid being smacked. Rosa looked furious, wearing the black shirt with white feathers on it and a pair of short whitewashed blue jean shorts that were distressed with holes in them, her hair was pulled to the side in a loose ponytail, more down than up and she was glaring at him.

"You!" She snapped, swinging at him again, making him back up and nearly run into a server girl who jumped out of the way with plates above her head.

"Mocoso estpuido!" (Stupid Brat!) the girl snapped as she glared at Jesse who put his hands up apologetically before taking a punch on his arm from Rosa who kept pressing down on him, making him turn and run for the kitchen, several people laughing as he covered his head with his hands.

"Get back here!" Rosa snapped after him, hot on his heels as he ran through the open kitchen door and around the island where food was being prepared.

"Now darlin'!" Jesse called, running behind Santana who looked up, annoyed at all the commotion in his kitchen. "Don't be mad! I got it right here!" He dug into his pocket and pulled out the choker and held it out around Santana. "I was gonna give it back! I just wanted--" He couldn't finish because she grabbed the choker and turned on her heel to leave but he scrambled around Santana who threw up his hands.

"What is going on!"

"Rosa!" Jesse pleaded, grabbing her wrist and stopping her. "Please!"

"I don't wanna hear it," She snapped refusing to look at him. "I don't deal with people who steal from others."

"Now I didn't steal it," Jesse reasoned, his other hand sliding up her arm as he smiled at her, feeling he could turn the situation around--determined to. He could feel her tense in his hand as his other touched her arm, light as a feathers kiss, traveling up to her shoulder and over to her neck. He felt her stop pulling away and stand still. "I just borrowed it for a while, I always meant to give it back." He stepped closer, his mouth by her ear as his hand kept traveling, he felt his heart pounding in his chest--glad only Santana was there to tease him later. "I just wanted to see you again." His hand made its way down her other shoulder and down to her arm, causing her lift it to meet his hand. He held her hand cupped his hand like that for only a second before she whipped around and pointed at him, but his smile never faltered.

"No, you're a thief!" She sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than give him a warning.

"Well when you say it, it doesn't sound half bad." Jesse watched as confusion clouded her face. "And its got a nice ring to it, why don't you just call me that Rosa?" He leaned down closer to her face, making her blink nervously and back up from him. "Thief." A slow blush forced its way onto her cheeks as she looked away from him.

"Fine then, thief, let me go, I'm leaving." She said quickly, trying to pull away from him but he kept her hands in his and put them on his chest.

"But you just got here!" Jesse whined, pouting his bottom lip out playfully, "I get off in a few hours, why don't you eat and relax and we can hang out after?"

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