Physical Phantom

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OH snap, two in a row--I'm on fire. Working on the next chapter too, might have it up tonight too. Hope Ya'll still like it, let me know what you think with comments--even if its just "Ahhh" or "No" or "Why are you like this"; it lets me know you like what you read


"Damn it guys!" [Y/N] yelled, putting her hands on her hips and looking very much like a disappointed mother, "How many times do I have to remind you to stop calling me 'Mom' or 'Mama [Y/N], some of you are half my age! I'm not old enough to be your mother!"

"But we love you [Y/N]!" one of the dark-skinned girls called as both jumped to their feet and rushed to hug [Y/N] in a dog pile as Tosh, Pep, and Poe nearly tackled her to the ground. "You're like our second mom!"

"But I didn't adopt you all!" She protested loudly, trying hard to stand up and hug each kid in turn before they backed off. "You're going to give everyone the wrong idea, and I look like a huge liar when I say I don't have any kids!"

Jesse felt a wave of relief wash over him, so they weren't all her kids—she didn't have any at all. Then he felt dumb for being jealous at all, but he couldn't help himself. He laughed softly but was still heard by [Y/N] because she smiled and waved him over, telling him to come meet the giant brood.

"Sorry they gave you such a runaround," She laughed a little uneasily. "I'm very good friends with their mother, and they have known me since she adopted them, so they think of me as a second parent." She pointed to each kid in turn and told their names, introducing Maple and Jubie. Clover was apparently with the mother to the litter of adoptee's, and they were running late. "Speaking of that hussie," [Y/N] growled, "Where is she?"

"Oh get your panties out of a twist!" A voice yelled, everyone turned to see a woman with hip length bright blue hair walk up with a dish in her hand and a young [h/c] girl behind her. Jesse's jaw dropped before he could stop himself—she looked so much like Rosa as a teenager he had to remind himself not to stare like a creepy old man. "We're here, for shit's sake. Not like we didn't have to run all over the place to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything." Jesse focused on the woman he assumed was the mother, and felt a twinge of familiarity. Her sepia colored skin and bright blue hair made him tilt his head just slightly when she caught sight of him and froze, head tilting in the opposite direction. "I...don't....believe it...." Her dark eyes widened as she looked Jesse over from head to toe and back again.

"Ami," [Y/N] said slowly, reluctantly pulling the woman's attention away from Jesse who felt like he had been smacked with a two by four—it couldn't be THAT Ami, could it? "Are you okay? I didn't think you were into cowboys?" She laughed and glanced at Jesse before Ami shook her head.

"I'm not, I'm fine." She blinked several times and gave [Y/N] a strained look. They passed several small facial expressions for wordless communication that Jesse nearly missed. An eye narrow that seemed like a twitch, a head leaning forward an inch, eyes widening and a small shake of the head before they seemed to realize they were still being watched by Jesse. "I'm Ami." Ami placed the dish of food on the table and held out her hand to Jesse. "And you are~."

"McCree. Jesse McCree. Pleasure." He took it and shook it once, "Your kids seem rather fond o' me." Jesse glanced around at all the staring eyes, trying to ignore the physical phantom looking him up and down slowly. Her [e/c] eyes a shade darker than he remembered Rosa's being.

"WAIT!" Maple gasped overdramatically and pulled out a phone, tapping away furiously at the screen. "OUTLAW Jesse McCree?"

Jesse chuckled softly and kicked the dirt with one boot, a small cloud of dust raising with the motion as Maple began reading off a few of his more famous exploits. Much to his surprise—the ways he had helped people—rather than went against the government and been blamed for everything that had gone wrong with Talon's attacks. Like the train incident.

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