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A long moment of tense silence hung between the three as Jesse tried to think of some way he could get Rosa out of the way of harm. But that would require him taking down Gabriel who stood smirking at Jesse like a father who had just caught his kid with his hand in the cookie jar before dinner. Gabe stepped through the curtain and let it swing shut before adjusting the sleeves of his suit and nodding to [Y/N] in greeting.

"Hello again [Y/N], or should I call you Rosa?" He half closed his eyes as he looked [Y/N] over slowly, she frowned hatefully at him. "You grew up rather well, didn't you?" Gabe raised a brow and Jesse took half a step forward to remind Reaper of who his real enemy was.

"Ew." Jesse could hear [Y/N] groan softly. "That's creepy."

"What do you want Reaper?" Jesse snapped as Gabe put his hands in his pockets, "Keep yer hands where I can see 'em!"

"Relax ingrate," Gabe rumbled with a chuckle, "I'm not here to fight. Least, not right this second. My business right now is with her." He looked past Jesse to [Y/N] who stepped around Jesse and crossed her arms. Then he looked back at Jesse with a sneer, "I'll deal with you when I'm done." Jesse started to snap at him when he spoke directly to [Y/N]. "You need to reconsider the offer." He said flatly, "Akande isn't going to be so generous if you turn him down a second time...you wouldn't want to put your family in danger, would you? Because after a request, and a deal.... comes an order. Besides....is money laundering really the worst you've ever done your life, Rosa?"

"Tell Akande," [Y/N] growled with sass, making Reaper blink and stare in surprise, "To go fuck a cactus."

For just a moment Reaper looked so angry he could strike, but then he started chuckling until he roared with laughter, tilting his head back and covering his eyes with one hand as he kept guffawing. Jesse tensed, trying to think of what would happen if he tackled Reaper back through the curtain when Gabe let his hand fall from his face.

"God, you even talk like him." Gabe groaned and held one of his sides, "You two really were a match made in cowboy hell." He gave one last chuckle, "Even after being apart for two decades your still so far up each other's ass it's unbelievable." The smile faded away quickly into the hateful frown Jesse saw all his life. "You two can comfort each other in hell then." He shrugged and looked behind [Y/N], "Sombra."

As if from thin air, Sombra appeared behind [Y/N] and pointed a gun in her face, making a clicking noise to dissuade Jesse from making any movements as she slowly lead [Y/N] toward Gabe. [Y/N] went smoothly enough, looking only a little scared when Gabe grabbed her by her chin and leaned down to meet her at eye level.

"Remember. You brought this on yourself. You were given a clear choice," Some recognition flared in [Y/N]'s eyes and fear crept in behind it, but still, she stood firm. "And you chose wrong."

"Reyes." [Y/N] gave a small gasp of shock as he let go of her chin and nodded. "What happened to you?"

"Not everyone gets a happy ending kid." He turned and nodded to Sombra who put her gun to [Y/N]'s head and made her move to stand beside the curtain. "As for you," Gabe growled to Jesse, reaching inside and pulling a shotgun as if from nowhere. "You know the drill brat. Move, and Sombra shoots."

"What about me?" [Y/N] asked, sounding serious as Sombra gave her a disbelieving look. "What if I move?" Jesse looked at her and shook his head, he knew she was prone to having a smart mouth when challenged with authority, but he didn't want her sass to get her killed.

"That's exactly what you're going to do," Gabe turned, and Sombra moved to stand in front of [Y/N], pointing her gun directly at her, one hand swiping the air and making a small screen appear. "Are they ready?"

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