The Rebel I

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A/N: We are kicking off book 12 with a request from @PrimeKnight23. This will likely take 2-4 chapters to complete due to the complexity, but I think you'll like it. The song above is called For the Damaged Coda by Blond Redhead. Where are my Rick and Morty fans? ;)

I bottle up emotions and get way too mad for my own good sometimes. Right now I'm feeling way too mad for my own good. I just want to smack someone up. I'm isolating myself, hoping that these stupid impulses of mine will pass. Nothing is changing. Nothing. I punched the wall in frustration and left a nice hole in it. I don't really care what the landlord thinks of me breaking his cheap ass wall. "Nice hook." I turned to see Dark. "Out." I said. "But I just got here." he replied, taking a seat beside me. "I didn't ask." I replied. "Who pissed in your orange juice?" he asked, looking me up and down. "Go away, Dark." "No." I glared at him. "Why not?" I asked, trying not to let my anger show through. "Because this is odd behavior for you, and I don't like it." "You've basically made a career out of being an asshole. Let me be one for a day, I can have bad days, too." "This ain't a bad day, (y/n). It's way more than that. You're looking mad enough to split in half." As soon as he said that, I felt pretty strange...then a searing pain as if I was splitting in half. Before I knew what was happening, someone who looked just like me was standing in front of me...and she did not look happy. "What the fuck?" I asked, grabbing Dark's arm. "Oh, so now you wanna be friendly?" he said, rolling his eyes, and shaking me off with a glare. "Dark! DO something! I have no idea what the hell that thing is!" "It's you, (y/n). Duh." I stared at my reflection. "Is she a demon?" I asked. "Hell no. She's your astral body. All humans have one. I don't know how the two of you got separated, but someone has to put you two back together. You're not supposed to come apart. I don't see how this even happened, honestly, you have horrible luck." I looked at him, panicked. "What? Grab her or something." he said. "And do what?" "No idea, I don't deal with astral bodies outside of when they're inside people. It's out of my pay grade." I grabbed him by his hair. "Listen up, smart ass. I put up with your late night booty calls, your perversion, your excessive fear of cockroaches, your sarcasm, your insults, and everything else you throw at everyone every day. You work directly with astral bodies when you fix Mark. Fix. This. Shit." He pulled away from me and fixed his hair. "Fine, bitch, Jesus..." he muttered. "Alright...astral thing, you're not supposed to be here. Go back in (y/n), so I can go back in her, too." I slugged him hard. "What? I'm not good at negotiations, I get my way all the time." I glared at him hard. "Alright, I'll try something else." he said. "Look, you're just emotions and can't function without a body...(y/n) needs you, she's running off of the emotional residue you left behind when you wandered out here...if you don't go back in there, she'll run out of emotions and die, and then you'll have no body to live in." She just stared coldly at us. "I don't think she's gonna listen." Dark said, turning to me. "Run out of emotions and die??" I asked, horrified. "Yeah, that's why you two aren't supposed to come apart. She's more you than you are. She's your emotions. You're a body. The only reason you're not a half dead emotionless blob right now is because she left some emotional residue behind in you...but you're depleting it pretty quickly by being so upset." Without much warning my astral body clawed Dark across his face and disappeared, leaving me to stare at the wall while Dark cursed and healed himself. "She's cold." he said. "That was so fucking unnecessary. I don't even play that game, and I'm a demon. We have to go after her because I have to kick her ass, and you have to have her back." "Don't you DARE beat up my astral body! I kinda need her to live." I said, defensively. "(Y/N), emotions. Chill. Besides, beating her up won't really do much. It'll just make me feel better." I tried to relax. "Look, it appears to me that you should've been given a blood demon to keep that rebel of an AB under control. This is insane. I came over here to get it I'm going on a hunt for a fragment of your being. Great. STILL waiting on that normal day..." "Quit your bitching and get out there." I scolded. He gave me a look. "Don't you dare." I warned. "And if I do?" "I'll kill you where you sit." "I can't die." he said. "Dark!" "Oh my god, fine. But you owe me so fucking much (y/n), your kids will be indebted to me." He snapped his fingers and disappeared, leaving behind that little cloud of black smoke. He'd better know what the fuck he's doing.

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