Dark x Mark I

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My phone buzzed. I groggily fumbled for it on the nightstand and managed to loosely wrap a hand around it. The blinding light burnt my eyes as I tried to figure out who was texting me at this ungodly hour. Mark. Shoulda figured. You might need to work. GF just left. I read the text over and over again before rolling my eyes. Humans and their stupid, fruitless relationships. I decided to try to sleep again, but just as I closed my eyes, I felt myself being pulled into work. Literally. I landed alongside Mark who was laying in bed staring at the ceiling. "Don't tell me this is gonna turn into an all week thing." I said. He looked over at me. "I thought you were supposed to make me feel better." "It's called tough love, buddy. Obviously, this little break up was meant to be." he didn't seem to buy into what I said. His eyes welled up with tears and I sighed. "Don't be that way." I said. "How can I not be?" I closed my eyes and sighed. "Start from the beginning." I said. "We were fighting and I just couldn't take it anymore. It got ugly, we broke up...that's all there is to it." "Alright, you're turning into a snot infested hot mess. Let me do my thing real quick." I went to work and brought him back to where he needed to be. "Thanks. You're a great friend." he sniffled. "Duh." I replied. "NOW...revenge?" I offered, feeling a bit of excitement at the prospect of delivering some vengeance. "No way, I could never do that to her." I scoffed at him. "You could and you should." I replied. "Why? I don't want her dead." "Who said anything about dying?" I asked. "I was merely suggesting gory torture." He did not seem amused by my musings. "Just stay with me...I'm pretty down...and put some clothes on." "You dragged me out of bed in the middle of the night. You should know I almost always sleep naked." I grabbed a pair of his discarded sweatpants and slipped into them. "Better?" I asked. "In a way." In a way? What the hell was that supposed to mean? I decided to just not ask. "What do you want from me? Three wishes? It's gonna be kinda boring for both of us if I just sit here. You know how destructive I get when I'm bored." It's true. I have destroyed so much shit out of pure boredom. Boredom is a demon's natural enemy. "I just want your company." Oh, how fun. "If it's all the same to you, I'd like to go back to sleep." I said, crawling under his blankets. "I'm right here though. I guess give me a swift kick if you need something." He didn't reply. "Mark?" "I heard you. Thanks." he replied flatly. I rolled over and faced him. "You don't want me to sleep, do you?" I asked, feeling more than a bit irritated. "I do." he replied. "With me." I snorted. "Who doesn't want me to sleep with them?" I asked. "I'm a pretty popular guy." His face didn't change. "You have absolutely no sense of humor when you're down." I said. "No, I don't. I'm too sad to joke...too sad to laugh." As insensitive as I am overall, hearing him say that bothered me. "Nonsense, you just think you are. Mind over matter, moron." I said. He looked distant. "Oh come on, you know it's true." He sighed. "I just can't believe it happened. I thought...forever...we dated for longer than I've dated anyone else." "It isn't the length of time you've been with someone that matters, it's the relationship. Clearly this one was not destined to be anything more than dating. Try again in a few months, you always do." "What is that supposed to mean?" he asked, sounding offended. "It means you get over these things and move on, dipshit. Do it again." He was silent and looked contemplative. "I won't be dating for quite awhile. I just need some time with friends and family...by myself. I'll focus on my career, broaden my horizons, explore myself." I giggled and he gave me a dirty look. "You're like a thirteen year old boy." he said. "I am who I am." I replied. "No, but seriously...some time off from dating will be good for me." "I concur. Is that all?" I asked, yawning. "I guess so. Thanks again." he said. I was too comfy to move. "Mind if I sleep here tonight? I'm too fucking lazy to go home." he chuckled. "Too lazy to teleport?" he asked. "Don't you judge me." I replied, putting a finger in his face. "My house is your house. Go ahead." he replied. I bedded down and got comfortable. "Night." I said. "Goodnight, Dark." he replied. I woke up to the sound of wind and thunder. I snapped my fingers and closed Mark's bedroom window. It was at that moment I realized Mark was...very close to me and had me in a tight bear hug. "You awake?" he muttered. "Yeah. The storm woke me up." he yawned. "Storms are super romantic." he said. "Are they now? I wouldn't know, I don't do romance." "Well...would you? For me?" There isn't much I won't do for him..mostly because I'm obligated to take care of the fucker, but romance makes me feel physically ill. "Define romance." I said, feeling his hand start to trace my body. He chuckled sleepily. "You're so strange. It just means I...wanna take things slow. I could use a release." "I could use a stiff drink." "Am I that repulsive?" he asked, sounding hurt. "I didn't say anything about you, Mark. I just feel like having a stiff drink...I love booze, remember?" he laughed. "Stiff drink, stiff dick what's the difference?" he asked, tracing my body a bit harder. "The alcohol content for one."I replied. he laughed again. "I forgot how funny you are, Dark." I felt his hand slide down the waistband of the sweats I had borrowed. I instinctively shifted my body against his hand. "So...can we?" As if I'd ever say no to a good fuck while in my right mind. I rolled over to face him. "You know I'm with it."I replied.

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