Changes III

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The minutes ticked by and I felt like Dark was staring into my soul. "Tell him." he said. I looked away. "I can't." I replied. "Then I will." "No, this has to be something we discuss." Dark gave me a look. "You're not discussing anything." he said. "I know, Dark..." I laid my head on his shoulder. "Do you think you could go with me to tell him? I've been thinking maybe I should tell him in person." Dark shrugged. "If you want me to, I'm there. It's not like I've got anything else to do." I sighed. "I guess we should go over there tonight." "That's a good idea (y/n). Everything is getting closer and closer..." "I know." I replied, cutting him off. I felt like shit so I spent most of the day leaning against Dark and trying to figure out the right words to say to Mark. "Should I just blurt it out?" I asked. "Is there any other way?" Dark asked. "I mean I'm trying to put myself in his shoes, and frankly, I'd prefer it if the female in question just came right out with it and told me the truth." I sighed. "I suppose that's a good plan of action." "Honesty is the best policy (y/n)." he replied. "I find it odd that he hasn't even bothered to call me since...well, you know..." "I do know. He's probably embarrassed. He gets that way...I'm sure he's thinking that you regret it or something." I was quiet. "In a way, I do." I admitted. Dark didn't respond. "I don't think we should talk about this." he eventually said. "Maybe not. I'm gonna go lay across your bed....coming?" He looked over at me, looking a bit worn down. "That sounds alright, but quit kicking me in your sleep." he said following me to bed. "It's not my fault, I can hardly sleep's a delicate combo of being fucking pregnant and being fucking nervous about telling Mark." "Take it easy, like I've said before, not everything is an attack." It sure felt like an attack. My stomach cramped hard and I found myself curling up in a ball. "Are you okay?" Dark asked, coming to my aid. "I...I think so...I have so many new aches and pains." I groaned. "This pregnancy thing seems rough." Dark commented, playing with my hair. Another strong cramp attacked my body. "Okay, I need to go lay down or something, this is fucked up." I said, sitting up and starting the long trudge to Dark's bed. I leaned against the wall for support as I made my way into his bedroom, and by the time I had managed to lay across his bed, the cramping was stronger and more frequent. "Dark?" I called out, almost breathlessly. "Yeah?" he replied. "Can you come here?" He appeared before me, stirring a mug of tea. "What's up?" he asked softly. "I'm getting a bit worried about this pain. Maybe I should head to a hospital." He cocked his head. "I don't understand." he said flatly. "I think something is horribly wrong with me." I said, wincing a bit. "You appear to be unwell." he replied. "I don't feel well...I hurt so badly." "Tell me what you want to do." I decided to wait it out at Dark's. Dark laid with me keeping watch. I felt something warm on my thighs. I whipped the blanket away and to my horror discovered that it was blood. I showed my bloodied hands to Dark and he studied them. "What does that mean?" he asked. "It means I don't have to talk to Mark anymore."

Dark really just seemed bewildered and confused perched beside me in the hospital. I just laid awake staring up at the ceiling wishing I hadn't wished this whole pregnancy away...because now it's gone. "You okay?" Dark asked. "I know that's kind of a stupid question, but..." "No it's not stupid. I'll be okay." I replied softly. He studied the doctors and nurses on the floor. "They seem disinterested in you." he said, flatly. "No, I think they're just busy." I replied, weakly. A familiar voice shook me. Dark turned and watched Mark walk in. My heart raced and I turned away. "Dark...make him go away." Dark didn't reply. "(Y/N), I came as quickly as I could. Are you okay?" I didn't answer Mark. "She's tired." Dark replied. I wanted to slap both of them. "What's going on?" Mark asked Dark. "I'll leave that conversation to you. I still don't understand the ins and outs of human ailments." I felt his presence leave the room. Mark scooted up a chair and looked at me. "(Y/N), talk to me." he implored. "I'm fine." I replied. "You're in the hospital, obviously you're not fine." "I'm fine, Mark." He looked around awkwardly. "Are you going to be okay?" I sighed. "Not now...not for awhile. Just go." He pursed his lips. "I'm sorry, Dark text me and told me you were here and unwell...I thought you wanted to see me." "I'll be having a word with Dark about this, Mark. He won't be sending any more unsolicited texts to anyone about my ailments." Mark backed off. "I hope you feel better soon. Give me a call when you're out of the hospital, and I'm sorry for bothering you. I didn't know you didn't want company." I felt Dark return shortly after Mark left. "I heard everything. That was a shitty thing to do (y/n)." "With all due respect, which at this point is virtually none, fuck you Dark. I never told you to tell him I'm here. I told you I had nothing to tell him anymore. Why did you put me in that position? I mean as if having my kid literally die wasn't bad enough." Dark sat and listened to me ramble, looking bored at best. " should tell him. It's not like anything matters now." He had a valid point, but my rage wouldn't let me hear it. "You're so fucking insensitive." I hissed. "Feelings were never one of my strengths." he replied. I huffed. "Just leave me alone. Both of you need to fuck off." "I don't think you mean that." Dark replied. "I do." I said. We were silent. "Fine then, I'm out...but seeing as how I'm know how to reach me if you need me." I felt him leave again, leaving me alone in a cold, sterlile environment. How I wished I hadn't chased him away...I could really use someone hugging me right about now.

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