The Rise and Obliteration of Kobelle III

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This stupid cunt is fucking with my livelihood and that is over the line. I growled a bit as I saw her pass by, casually walking with two demons I know from my much younger years: Banshee and Draco. Every ounce of respect I ever had for those two faded out pretty quickly upon me seeing them with Kobelle, but I'm sure they had no idea what she'd done. I waited for them to pass, questioning what to do: destroy or seduce. I watched her walk and realized how attractive she is...oh decisions, decisions. She's hot, but she's trying to ruin my life which is kind of a buzzkill. I decided to spare her and try seducing first. With an entourage, talking to her would be a bit hard, especially when the two members of her entourage just happen to know all about my history. I've been in their pants more than I've been in my own. They'll know something is up the minute I become flirtatious in an I'm-not-trying-to-just-fuck-you sort of way. I growled a bit again and pressed myself against a wall, listening to their conversation. All they seemed to want to do is talk to Kobelle about life in the City of Embers. What's there to know outside of it's stormy as hell almost all the time, and there's a shitload of residents? I patiently waited for Draco to depart. Wherever he goes, Banshee follows. Kobelle seems independent, I doubted she'd follow. Turns out I was right. "Kobelle?" She turned and immediately scowled at me. "Yes?" she growled. "I wanna talk to you." I said, feeling physically ill from being so...pleasant. "Is that right? What for?" she asked, flipping her green locks behind her shoulders. Damn, that's a good question...and I don't have an answer. Guess I was expecting more of a confrontation. "Life." I replied, sounding confident. "That's a broad topic and I don't have all the time in the world, narrow it down a bit, or fuck off." I bit my tongue. " about we talk about you." Ha! Turned the tables. "You know all about me already." I played stupid and insisted I didn't. "That's not what I hear." "Oh really? Who tells you things about me? Most demons don't know shit about me." "Cut the shit. You're here to try to undo that curse I put on you. Forget it. I have to lead the life of a replacement because of you." Her sharpness caught me off guard. "I'd rather not exist than be a replacement. You're the reason I'm living this life, so I took what you love most." Harsh. "Be rational. How bad can it be being a replacement? Better yet, how the hell do you know all of the shit that you do?" "I never had a childhood, and my training? Don't get me started. Learning all that I can and have to do in a matter of less than a week was...unfair. I'm the third replacement for my human, that means I am granted the ability to look at my predecessors' lives. It's to keep me from making the same mistakes they did...but they made no mistakes. You got rid of them because you're evil...and I swear, if you weren't who you are, I'd be all over you right now. See, I wanted you to suffer the same fate, but you're just too damn attractive to get rid of." Well, I guess I had my foot in the door to get some affection from her. Maybe. "Look, let's be adults." "I know nothing other than being an adult, thanks to you." Jesus, she's pissed. I gave her my best seductive face and I swear I saw a bit of weakness. "Are we done here?" she asked, impatiently. "No, I'm still cursed." I replied. "You're adorable. It's funny how you think I care." I don't know why I ever thought this would be easy. I felt like threatening her with destruction, but I decided that was a bad idea at the moment. "Kobelle..." "No. Not happening. Goodbye." With that she was gone. "Losing your touch?" I turned to see Banshee. "Nah...more like losing my shit." She floated over to me and took a seat. "New girl not digging you? I find that a bit hard to believe." "It's a long story." I replied. "Does it have any good plot twists?" I chuckled. "That depends on your definition of plot twists. are you?" "Same ole same ole, haunting humans and taking names." I looked away. "You really like her or something?" she asked. As much as I wanted to tell her the truth, my better judgment told me not to. "Yeah, I'm kinda getting to the point where I wanna date again...she seems great." "WHAT?" We snapped our heads around to see Andromeda. Fuck me. "You're into dating suddenly, and you never bothered to tell me?" she stormed over to me with her servants in tow. "You know how I feel about you." she said, putting her finger in my face. "You don't understand what's happening here." I said, through clenched teeth. Banshee quietly observed with a bit of a smirk on her lips. "I can't believe this. All I've done for you and you don't even..." she huffed. "Screw you, Arioch." She stormed off leaving me a bit less than amused. "Alright." I said. "That happened." "That dumb bitch is so full of herself." I turned to see that Kobelle was back, and talking to Banshee. "She's so sweet, what do you mean?" Banshee replied. "We've been at each others' throats since I was created. She thinks too much of herself." Kobelle looked at me. "You're still here?" she asked. "Yep." I replied. "Whatever." she said, turning her attention back to Banshee. I listened to her piss and moan about Andromeda repeatedly saying how selfish and arrogant she is. An idea sprang into my head. Something tells me Andromeda would be willing to forgive me in exchange for a date...and if she got haughty about it...Kobelle might just snap and try to steal me. If I let her do that, I might actually be able to convince her to love me just to spite Andromeda. Of course...that meant either really fucking my friend over...or breaking her heart all over again and having her use my shirt as a kleenex for hours on end. I started slinking away after Andromeda, thankfully without being noticed by the soon to be duped and dilapidated Kobelle.

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