The Rebel II

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I scoured the streets looking everywhere for (y//n)'s astral body, but she was nowhere to be found...until I realized looking wasn't the right way to find her. Only demons and (y/n) can see her astral body...but being as powerful as she is, her astral body can wreak havoc on anything and anyone. I followed the sound of breaking glass and shouting. Seems (y/n) must have some serious repressed anger, because her astral body is ripping apart LA pretty well...and that's saying something: this shithole is already ripped up. I narrowed my eyes at her and she saw me. She smirked, knowing full well I couldn't say shit to her with all of those people around. I decided to command a bit of authority with my LAPD uniform. I snapped my fingers and appeared in my room in front of my closet, swapping out my standard outfit for the uniform. I crept back to the streets and made a mad dash for the last known place this celestial terror was hanging around and much to my surprise, she was still there. "Clear the area." I said, as loudly as I could. Seeing as how we're in LA, people don't tend to respect the cops too much. I pulled the gun out of its holster. How the hell do these things operate? I pointed it toward the sky and repeated myself, pulling the trigger a few times. That seemed to work. The crowd dispersed, leaving (y/n)'s astral body and me alone. "What are you doing?" I asked, twirling the gun around. "Exploring." she replied, coming down from her perch. "Experimenting, too." She flashed from bold to cowardly. "Why are you here?" she asked, hiding. "To bring you back to (y/n)." I replied, lighting a cigarette. "What if I don't wanna go back?" she asked. "Then she dies and you do, too. Sounds like a bad thing." She stared at me. "What are you doing?" "Breathing in chemicals directly. Wanna try?" I asked, offering her my cigarette. She extended her hand and took it from me, imitating my actions. She coughed hard and handed it back. "I don't like this experiment, it hurts my chest." "Suit yourself, wimp." I replied. "Now...easy way or hard way? You can't hide from me." She narrowed her eyes at me. "I don't want to go back." she said, flatly. "I have fought for years to get out of her body." I rolled my eyes. "You can't live without her." I said. "I deserve to." she said. "Thoughts and feelings don't always go hand in hand with reality. You've gotta go back." She looked at me strangely. "I know what you are." she said, almost defiantly. "It'd be a damn shame if you didn't." I said, flicking my cigarette butt. "How come you aren't like the other demons?" "I'm just not." I said, with a shrug. "You need an astral body, I think." I laughed. "No, I'm a supernatural being. I don't need an astral body...I don't need anything." "You could have could have me." I saw where things were going. "Stay back." I said. "I want more adventure and less work." She really has a mind of her own. Astral bodies are not supposed to be this sentient. "Well, I'll let (y/n) know to go out more..." I said, backing away from her. "With you I could travel to other worlds...learn other languages...feel thing differently." my back hit the wall. "Look, I don't want or need you. (Y/N) does. If you want me to tell her how you feel I will, but stay away from me." She didn't listen, needless to say, and now I have (y/n)'s emotions stuck inside me. I hate my life so hard sometimes.

I walked to (y/n)'s apartment.  "(Y/N)?" she sat up on her couch. "Did you find her?" she asked. I pointed to myself. "She's inside me." "I'm sure this isn't the first time a woman has found her way inside you, Dark. You're kinda freaky." "Shut up. I'm serious, she absorbed into me and I have no idea how to get her out." Her eyes widened. "Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit..." she said, hurrying to my side. "Are you okay?" "No, not really. I feel horrible. I'm not meant to have one of these things." "What the fuck happened?" "I found her, I confronted her, she confessed that she's bored with you and overworked, and...well, now she's in me because she thinks I'm more interesting...and I am the most human demon there is. That's how she got in. Were it not for me having parents, my body would've rejected her immediately. This is bullshit." 

I saw a strand of pink hair floating outside of Dark's chest. I grabbed it and started to pull. I screamed as I realized I was pulling my astral body out of him. "Don't stop now, pull that stupid bitch." I pulled her hair as she fought me and Dark played middle man, unable to do much of anything. "Lay on your back." I said. He flopped on his back and I stood on his chest, pulling on her until she finally came all the way out. "Fuck me..." Dark breathed, holding his chest. My astral body slipped away from me, hissing and spitting the entire time. If she wasn't mad before, she's mad now. She took on an evil appearance and roared at us both. Dark sat up and stared at her. "I can do it better." he taunted. "Dark!" I cried. "Well, I can." he said. "Just get her." "Oh no, I'm not going anywhere near her again. That was too freaky, even for me. I mean, your emotions just jumped into my body...and you yanked them out of my chest...which hurt badly, by the way..." I could only imagine. It didn't look like it felt too good. "Look, Dark, we have to get her back. I'm starting to feel funny." He looked at me and sighed. "I know we do, but I'm not sure how." "Seduction?" "You want me to hit on the embodiment of your emotions and personality?" "Fuck her if you can." I replied. He made a face. "A demon or a human is one thing, but she's an astral body..." "Dark, you can fuck your way into and out of anything." He looked at me before sighing heavily. "Fine. I'll see what I can do...but she looks like a galaxy...if I get glitter on my dick, I swear (y/n), you are dead to me." He stood up, and disappeared.

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