Mistakes and Retakes I

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"You look so nice, Dark." I tossed a glance at (y/n). "Looking nice is something I always do." I replied. "Well...you look nice anyway." I never wanted to go to my high school reunion...and I'm still trying to understand why the fuck we even have them. "I'm smuggling in booze, namely for me." I said. (Y/N) laughed. "That sounds like something you'd do." she rolled out of my bed and started dressing. "Thanks for the sympathy fuck." I said, fixing my hair. "Of course, you know I'm always down to come give you a sympathy fuck." I smiled to myself and shook my head. "Look, I'll be back before you know it. I have no intentions of staying late. I just wanna go in, mingle for a bit, and head back out. If you want you can stay and wait." She looked contemplative. "I dunno, I guess I'd rather you just give me a call and let me know what's going on. Knowing you, you'll just get wasted and stay out all night." "Suit yourself, but I am only going to do one of those things. Guess which one?" I asked, wiggling a flask. "You're something else. Have fun...give me some updates, I'm curious." "I'm sure our high school reunions are a lot like yours. Boring, stupid, and ultimately pointless." I shrugged. "Maybe so, but still." "Fine, I'll give you updates." I replied, walking forward. "Good choice." I hugged her goodbye and headed off to probably wind up feeling out of place and awkward like I did as a teen.

Oh what a surprise, that's exactly what happened. I held up the wall with Circe. "Why are you even here? You graduated like 2 thousand years after I did." "I'm on a date." she replied. I wrinkled my nose. "You? With who?" "Some random loser who said he needed a date. I don't even know where he went." "So...wanna spike the punch bowl?" I asked, casually. "Why would I do that?" she asked. "I'm supplying the booze." I replied. She patted me down a bit. "Jesus, how much did you bring?" "Enough to make this whole thing tolerable." I replied, opening a flask. "Get the one on the left, and I'll get the one on the right." She took it from me and did as I asked, returning to the wall a moment later. "This seems like a bad idea, Ari." she said. "It does, but it'll work out." I replied, taking a hit out of my personal stash. "I don't even understand how you could drink something like that. It tastes so nasty." "You get used to it." She shrugged. "Guess it's just not my thing." "Sit back and watch the fun." I said, preparing to laugh as everyone slowly got drunk. Nimue walked past me and I shuddered internally, hoping she'd just keep going. Of course, she didn't. "How are you? It's been so long." she said, approaching me. "Keep walking where you were headed." I replied, showing my disdain and disinterest. She stopped and looked at me. "What?" I asked. "You're still mad about that shit from way back then?" she asked. "That was in high school, move past it." I rolled my eyes. "Mad? No. Disgusted by every fiber of your being? Yes. You stabbed me in the back. I don't deal with backstabbers." She seemed almost playful. "I was young and dumb then. Loosen up. For what it's worth, I'm sorry." "Bye." I said, turning the other way. "Come on, Ari...that was pretty immature." Circe said. "Whose side are you on?" I asked. "The right one. She apologized..." I scoffed. "And?" "Well...maybe you should just let the whole thing go. You're coming off as being...you know, hurt." I hate that word. "Hurt? It takes a bit more than a girlfriend randomly fucking someone I hated to hurt me. I don't like backstabbers. Why is that so hard to understand?" "It isn't, but...let it go. It was so fucking long ago...besides, she's pretty and I think she likes you." "Great." I replied, drinking a bit more. "Maybe after a few more drinks, I'll feel the same. Not." She rolled her eyes. "You are so stubborn." She walked off to find her date, leaving me to just chill. Finally, that's really all I wanted. I checked the time, and it was far too early to head out. Of course, it was. I felt a presence beside me. "Hi stranger." I turned to see Ma'at. I haven't seen her in forever. "Didn't expect you to show up to this." "Believe me, I was tempted not to. Social pressures, though. You know how it is." She laughed. "Still that disinterested nonchalant guy, eh? Some things never change." "What can I say? I'm not a known giver of fucks." "No you're not, and let that be the reason I'm glad to see you. Still smoke?" she asked. "All day every day." "Oh thank fuck, let's go." she practically dragged me outside. I lit up beside her. "So...you look even better than you did ten thousand years ago. What's your secret?" "I'm just hot." I replied, breathing out smoke. "It's not like you've devolved into some POS." She laughed. "What a compliment. Coming from you, that means a lot." I studied her body. "You look great, actually." "I've been keeping in shape because I'm so damn busy. It's a lot of work keeping up with people." "Tell me about it." I replied. "I have several I keep up with...they're a handful, but they're worth it." "How's your human?" "Stupid as ever." I replied. She laughed. "Do you ever have anything nice to say about him?" I snickered. "Rarely...but he's a good guy...we just don't share anything in common. He still loves video games....still loves being annoying...that stuff." "I see." she replied. "Definitely keep in touch." she said, beginning to walk off. "I had loads of fun with you back in the day, it'd be nice to do it again." It would be nice to do her again. And again. And again. "I can do that." I replied. "That'd be great. I've learned a few things over the years...I'm willing to bet you'd like to see them." "I'd be delighted." I said, smirking a bit. She waved to me and returned to the party. I decided to stay outside and smoke another one...and drink a bit more. "Still into smoking?" I turned to see Nimue. Fuck. "Yeah." I replied with a snap. "You don't have to bite my head off." "Believe me I'd love nothing more than to bite your head off. Why are you out here?" "Because I saw you out here alone. I figured you could use some company." I shook my head a bit, trying to figure out which Nimue was talking. When alcohol hits me, it hits hard. "Figured wrong." I replied. "I don't think so." she said. I ignored her in favor of drunkenly lighting a cigarette. "Are you feeling okay?" she asked. "You don't seem right." "I'm getting wasted, Nimue, and you're really killing my buzz." "Drunk? What's that?" She just doesn't quit. "Your human should know." She just shook her head. I managed to put my cigarette in my mouth and light it. Holy shit. I leaned on the wall and relaxed, letting a long trail of smoke leave my mouth. I turned to see Nimue staring. "What?" I asked. "Why are you looking at me?" "I like you." she replied. "Keep your feelings to yourself." I said, taking another long drag. I threw back another swig of alcohol. In the back of my mind I thought I should stop, but...I didn't want to. I kept my back firmly planted against the wall, it was the only thing holding me up. "I'm worried about you, are you sick or something?" I shook my head. "Drunk. Wanna get drunk?" I asked, offering her a drink. She looked at it and made a face. "Will it hurt me?" "No." I replied. "Just try it. Drink a bunch of it at once." She took it from my hands and did what I said to. She made a face. "This stuff is terrible, I can't drink it." she said, passing it back. I shrugged and finished it off, feeling lightheaded among other things. "Shit." I muttered, feeling myself sway a bit. (Y/N) was right, I  was gonna stay out all night.

I woke up with my temples throbbing and the room spinning. I groaned a bit, blinking in the early morning light. I had no idea where I was, but I was so comfortable I didn't care. I sat up, leting my eyes adjust. This place looked familiar in a way. I looked over to see Nimue looking back. "Good morning." she said. I must be dreaming. I looked around to see the contents of my wardrobe scattered around the room, and her long purple dress laid over a chair. No, no, no, no. I didn't, did I? "What the hell happened last night?" I asked. She sat up, and at that moment I realized that we were both naked in her bed. "What didn't happen? You came home with me...and we spent some quality time together." I swallowed hard and she looked concerned. "That wasn't the booze." I said. "Well, I suppose I have some explaining to do. It's a widely known fact that I'm more fond of dog shit than I am of you...yet we're here and apparently we....yeah." "Why can't you let what happened when we were kids go?" "Because that type of shit isn't something to let go. Had you stepped on my shoes, I'd be over it." She crossed her arms. "I'm guessing you wanna go?" "Yeah...I definitely do." I said, getting out of bed and starting to get dressed. She scowled. "I thought we had a connection." "Apparently we did. We were joined at the hips for a bit last night." She seemed offended. "Well...nevermind. Have a nice life. Just know that I'm sorry for what happened all those thousands of years ago." "Duly noted." I replied, disappearing for home. I came through the door looking disheveled, to say the least. (Y/N) was making coffee and texting. "Look who came home." she said, without looking up. "Look who banged their ex." I said, taking a seat on the couch. She laughed. "Seriously? You're crazy." "I'm stupid." "Come on, that's something that happens to humans all the time. It was a bad decision. Judging by the way you look and smell you were pretty shitfaced." I chuckled. "I was. I still kinda am. I reached a new level of drunkenness: I'll call it the 'willfully having sex with Nimue level' and I'll try to never get there again." "Besides getting it in with her, how was your night?" "Meh. Found an old friend but other than that, nothing really happened." "Well shit, that sounds like a good thing." "How could it not be? We were close when we were kids...I just can't get Nimue out of my head. I'm disgusted, honestly." "Take a long hot shower and forget about it." I stood. "It's not that easy, and I'm going to need an acid bath to get her off my skin." She shook her head. "Drama. Queen." "Why don't you go lay on my bed? When I'm done showering I need a palate clenser." She rolled her eyes. "How did I know you were gonna say something like that?" she asked. "You know who I am. You'd be stupid to think I wouldn't wanna slip into your pants here and there." I walked over to her and began a heated kiss with her that seemed to last forever. "You're making it so hard to get into the shower right now." I said. She swayed her hips against me. "Jerk." I muttered. "Hurry up." she teased, walking away from me.

To be continued

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