Snow II

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"Did you make it snow so you can get laid?" I asked Dark, suspiciously. "No." he replied. "It's snowing all on its own." I turned my attention back to the wonderous snow that was falling in huge flakes. "Oh man I hope it accumulates." I said, anxiously. Snow puts me in a great mood and makes me feel like a kid again. "It looks like it will...look at all that snow." I shivered a bit thinking about how cold it is outside. "Wanna go out in it later?" Dark asked. Dark asking me to play with him in the snow? I must be dreaming. "Of course I do." I replied. "But only if you're nice to me and don't push me into a snowbank or something. I don't like freezing." I looked over, but he was gone. "Dark?" I saw him huddled underneath some blankets on the futon. "Care to join?" he asked. I blushed. "I guess." I replied. "You guess?" he asked. "That doesn't sound so sure." "Yes, Dark. I'd love to join you." I said, crawling under the blankets. I laid my head on his chest. "Oh come on." he said, giving me a nudge. "What? Is there something you wanted?" I asked, knowing the answer. A chuckle resonated deep in his chest. "Run your hands down my body and see if you can figure out what I want." A tingle ran down my spine. He has such a way with words sometimes. I obeyed, feeling his smooth, toned figure until I reached a well-defined bulge in his sweats. He arched his back subtly as I teased him through his sweats. He in return, traced my figure gently, leaving behind waves of tingles that I couldn't shake. I straddled his hips and looked directly into his eyes. He breaks whenever I do that, and I can't blame him. I know what it feels like and it's a bit more than intimidating. I ground against him feeling his pulse without having a hand on his wrist or his neck. "You seem energetic." he breathed. "It's the weather." I replied, tugging at my pants. I watched as his clothes disappeared from his frame. I shook my head in amazement. "I wish I could do just half of the things you can." I said. "Why? It's so much more fun for us both when I undress you." he said, pulling my shirt over my head and helping me slide out of my pants. The same nervous feeling I always get before going all the way with him crept up and rested under my skin. "Feeling alright?" he asked. "Yes." I replied, sounding more confident than I felt. "You'll be feeling better than alright in a second." he replied, slipping in. My breath hitched hard. I swear, I'll never get used to his size. I braced myself until my body started to feel warm inside. "You said you'd give me whatever I want...I want you to ride me." he hissed. I bucked my hips gently, gauging his reactions to what I did. "Come on (y/n), faster babe." he breathed, holding me against him. He bucked his hips straight into mine, arching his back sharply. As much as I love being on top, it's a bit too much work for me sometimes. He's more powerful than any human could dream of being and it shows. I started to fizzle out here and there, and Dark picked up on it quickly. "Tapping out?" he asked. I nodded a bit sheepishly. He showed no annoyance and in one fluid motion, he was behind me slamming into me without any reserves. I twisted and turned, clawing at the blankets feverishly. I choked out his name and he responded with a few dirty comments under his breath. I love it when he talks like that. Watching a being of his magnitude go fully primal in bed is the perfect combo of sexy and intimidating. The base of my spine felt like someone was just barely touching it with their fingers, creating a wave of persistent tingling. "I'm so close." I breathed. "Yeah?" Dark asked. "Want me to finish you?" he grunted. "Y-yes!" I cried, pushing my hips into his. He bucked his hips a bit harder and held me in position. I screamed as I finished, wrestling with Dark a bit involuntarily. He snickered a bit as he continued to crash our bodies together until he did essentially the same thing I did. We separated and sat near one another dazed for a minute before hastily dressing. I felt drained of all my energy, but Dark being a being who requires no sleep easily got to his feet as if nothing had happened. "Dark? Is it still coming down out there?" I asked, sitting up on my elbows, already feeling soreness creep in. He peered out the window. "Yep...harder now than it was before." I felt a warm fuzzy feeling. "Is it sticking?" "Like glue." he replied. "It's really piling up." Ugh my tired body would not allow me to get up and see it. "Coming over here?" he asked. "No...I think you broke me." I replied, half joking. He scowled a bit before disappearing. He came back what felt like a millisecond later, with both hands behind his back. "What's behind your back?" I asked, suspiciously. "Nothing." he replied. "No seriously...what's behind your back?" I asked, sitting up more and more, and beginning to move away from him. "Just a little something I picked up outside." he said, hurling a snowball at me. It landed right in the middle of my bare chest and I squealed. Though I wanted to be mad, I couldn't bring myself to get mad. Snow is one of my favorite things in the world, after all. "Well played, Dark." I said, wiping the rapidly melting snow from my skin. "Alright, I can't stay here all wet." I said, rising shakily. "Outside?" I asked. "Already there." he said, peering at me through the window. I slipped a pair of old boots on and waded out into the snow after him.

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