Ashes V (Final)

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"Well fuck." I said, hanging up my phone. "What?" (y/n) asked. "Not having luck here. Everything is just nice and fucked up." She scowled. "I still can't believe this." she said. "Everything...destroyed." "I can't either...I fucking knew this would happen..." "Isn't there someone in your world you can tell about this?" "You asking me to be a snitch?" She looked at me strangely. "If it helps restore this place, then yes." she replied, defiantly. "Well...I don't know." "What about your queen friend? Can't she order them to unfuck this place?" I hadn't thought of that. "Maybe." I replied. She pleaded with me with her eyes. "(Y/N), I dunno..." I said. "Until you try." she replied, urging me. "I have no idea where she is in this mess. She's up here somewhere." "Find her." she replied. "You said demons can find other demons." Why the fuck did I tell her that? "Ugh...fine...but don't be surprised if she doesn't really wanna help me out." "She's your friend though." (y/n) said, confused. "She is...but she's madly in love with me, I broke her heart...and I kinda destroyed her palace and in a roundabout way, caused one of her aids to get killed. That's a lot of forgiving to do." "And I'm sure she's already done it. As I recall, she was never really that mad at you...I don't even think she yelled at you." "That's the thing about her-she's the silent type of angry. She'll get you when you're not looking." "She's in love with you, Dark. Use that to your advantage." Something about that seemed wrong. After all Andromeda has done for me, I don't really wanna play games with her feelings. "I'll see what she can do." I said, disappearing. I found Andromeda in a remote location up where snow is more populous than people. "And what the fuck are you doing out here?" I asked, sitting beside her. She seemed surprised to see me. "Just relaxing. I don't come up here's so nice and quiet...but I'm glad you're here. I was getting a bit bored." I didn't respond. She sighed. "What do you want now?" she asked. God damn. "Don't put it that way. I'm not trying to use you." "Well you're doing a good job of doing exactly that, Arioch...but I don't mind, because I get to see you." Jesus actual Christ she is fucking delusional. She gets a bit further into the deep end every time I see her. "Look, Neptune and Danu fucked some shit up..and I was hoping you could order them to fix it." She looked away. "Those two? Really? Fine. What is it they've done?" "Oh you know the  standard destroying my home and such." She shook her head. "Consider it fixed, Arioch." "I knew I could count on you." I said. "That's why we're friends." We shook on it and she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I accepted it warmly, and walked with her a bit. "You've gotten good at that whole walking thing." she said. "I had no choice. I live with people. They'd lose their shit if I went around levitating." She lauged. " are we going to pull this fixing everything off though?It'll be strange that people's stuff just magically reappeared." I shrugged. "I guess people will just think they had a nightmare." I said. "I guess." she said, sounding a bit worried. "Have I ever steered you wrong?" I asked. "Arioch, there isn't a single demon you haven't fucked with somehow." I laughed. "Aside from Asmoday." I froze. "Huh?" I asked, feeling my stomach drop to my feet. "Oh...just someone I knew back in the day. He's pretty much banished to the Astral one has fucked with him in almost 30 thousand years aside from his was a figure of speech. I was just sayin' he's the only one you've never fucked with." I stayed quiet. "I've always thought you looked just like him. Maybe I need glasses, too." The more she talked the more visibly uncomfortable I got. I just hoped she'd shut up soon."I should pay him a visit someday." "Why?" I asked, kicking a chunk of ice. "He's an old friend...I bet he'd like company. Besides, I can trust you to watch the throne while I'm gone." "Oh you're fucking funny." I replied. She laughed. "Well, you only destroyed everything..." I rolled my eyes. "You have no idea what the fuck happened while you were away." "I don't wanna know, Ari. Some things are better left unsaid." That they are. That's precisely why I resisted the urge to shout out who the fuck Asmoday is to me. " coming back with me or what?" I asked. "Is that an invitation?" "I mean...if you want to. LA is boring though." "No place that you're in can be boring, Ari." she said. "Well...not in certain ways. Let me know what you want to do." She thought for a moment. "I'm going to cover the entire human world in darkness and make things right." Surprising statement for a fear demon...even one as kind as Andromeda. "And then?" "Drinks at your place? You keep telling me about alcohol...I'd like to try it." I had no idea how (y/n) would feel, but I suppose she'd go home. "Sounds nice." I replied. "Alright. It's a date." "Ugh, don't say that word." I said. "Would you prefer I said it's an engagement? I could offer you another marriage deal." "Date is fine. I'll take the date." She gave me a playful look. "Someday you might change your mind about that whole thing. I'll be hoping for it..." I rolled my eyes again and watched her shroud the entire world in darkness. "When the light comes back, everything will be okay. People are going to be really confused, but it'll be alright." I trusted her, and what felt like seconds later, everything was normal. "I owe you a huge favor. What is it you'd like from me?" I asked. "And no, we're not getting married." She chuckled. "Just let me try some of this alcohol you keep raving on about." I laughed to myself, trying to picture her highness drunk off her ass. "Fine, but be warned, this shit will rock your world. It's like nothing you've ever had. It's insanity in a glass...and it burns like a motherfucker." She seemed interested. "Let's put your theory to the test." We stepped into my living room and (y/n) was staring intently out the window. "Wanna get drunk with two demons?" I asked, bypassing her to grab a beer. She looked at Andromeda. "Seems like a bad idea...but you know what, being around you in general is as bad idea for the most part." I snorted. "Please, you'd be so lost without me. Who has been paying all your bills for the last few months?" She slugged me. "It was a joke. Sure, I'll stay. What's the worst that could happen?" "A really fucked up three way." I replied. She laughed. "I wasn't joking, that legitimately might happen." Her face grew flushed and she looked away. "Just saying, you know how I get when I get shitfaced." I passed her a beer and tossed one to Andromeda. "Drink on three, bitches." I said. I counted to three and we toasted. "Let's drink until the exodus is over...then swear off drinking so we can get drunk tomorrow, too." (Y/N) didn't seem thrilled about the prospect, but I knew she'd be game. I was just curious about what else she might be game to do at the rate we were putting away alcohol.

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