The Rebel III

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(Y/N) is not doing well at all. She's fading out more and more with every minute, and I'm in hot pursuit of her astral body and it's not looking too promising. I've looked and listened for her but I'm not picking up on anything. I was just about to give up and try to fix this problem another way when I heard the unmistakable sound of her voice. Bingo. I looked myself over in a window. As usual, I look better than amazing. "What's up?" I asked rounding the corner. "You again?" she asked. "Quit trying to catch me." "Catch you? I gave up on that one. You're too clever for me. I'm more interested in getting to know you. I like you." I felt nauseated. Dating. Is. Disgusting. "Oh really? How am I supposed to believe that?" "Do you, but...I'm over here willing to take you on a date. Think of how jealous everyone will be of you. An astral body and a demon? It's unheard of...highly interoffice relationship that is as of now, forbidden. Sounds appealing, doesn't it?" She looked like she was thinking about it. Playing into (y/n)'s attention whore side was working well so far. "I like the idea, but I don't trust you." her cautious side is so strong. "Learn to." I replied. "Or don't. I mean, clearly, it's so much more fun to run around Los Angeles with no goals and purpose. That's why most of the people who live there do exactly that." I lit a cigarette. "Your call." I said, acting as indifferent as possible. "I find your lack of deep emotion attractive like I find your overall physical being attractive...but you'll have to do better than that." Fine. She doesn't go for bad boys. "What kind of things are you into?" I asked. "THAT is the right question. Clearly you'd make a better partner than what I initially thought considering you actually bothered to ask me about what I like." Nailed it. I'm a genius. "I like destruction." she said. I almost dropped my cigarette. Destruction? That doesn't sound much like (y/n) at all. She's a peacemaker if anything. I suppose her astral body didn't just escape, she gained self awareness. Not good. "What a coincidence. So do I." "Prove it." she hissed. "I destroyed an entire galaxy. Remember Omega Centauri? Yeah, I did that." She looked impressed. "You?" she asked. "All me, baby." "How?" "I got mad and kicked a rock." She looked at me wantonly. "That is the hottest thing I've ever heard. Crashing a galaxy? I love it. Come closer." I sent (y/n) a quick text. I walked over to her casually. "What is it?" I asked. She reached out and touched my chest. "You can do whatever you want." she said, cupping my face. The desire to recoil and leave her kissing air was strong, but this was for (y/n), and I've done worse. Way worse. I grabbed her and brought her into a deep kiss, and much to my surprise, it wasn't awful. It was amazing. We stayed frozen in time for what felt like ages, before she broke the kiss. At that point, I wasn't so sure I wanted to give (y/n) her astral body back just yet. My phone buzzed and brought me back to reality. "Who's that?" she asked. "Nobody." I replied, seeing (y/n)'s name. I sighed. "Wanna head somewhere more private?" I asked. She nodded. "My place okay?" I asked. She agreed to it and followed me home where a very impatient and rough looking (y/n) would be sitting on my bed waiting for us. She all but dragged me through the front door and pushed me against the wall. Her strength determined me. "You know, I thought you were on her side." she said, between sloppy kisses. "Now that I know you aren't, I feel totally differently about you..." She palmed my body. "I noticed." I said, reciprocating. I let her push me on my back and straddle me. The more she moved, the more she reminded me of (y/n). She started stripping me down, which I was very much so excited about when I caught a glimpse of (y/n).  I bucked my hips against her astral body and felt the tingles shoot through them...the temptation was real, but it was either lose (y/n) or get laid. God, the fact that I even have to ask which one is the right one is a bit...interesting. I went along with our little makeout session all while trying to get off the couch and lead her to (y/n). "What are you doing?" she asked, breaking the kiss. "Trying to drag you to bed." I replied, sitting up. "Why?" she asked. Astral bodies don't know too much about...anything. They lie dormant in their respective human until something draws them to life. "More room, more fun." I replied, standing. She followed me and I pushed her straight into (y/n), unsure of how exactly to get her in. She protested and fought me hard, but I won. I always win. I watched as (y/n) basically came back to life right in front of me. "You okay?" I asked, softly. "Why the hell are you naked?" she asked. I shook my head. That answered my question. "Such a prude." I replied, helping her up. "I'd hug know..." I wrinkled my nose. "Really (y/n)? We've done a bit more than hug." "I have no idea what's happening, Dark." I smiled a bit. "But you remember me." I said. "Of course, nobody forgets you. I'm just a bit...confused. What happened? I have no recent memories..." "It's alright, believe don't really wanna know." She looked at me for awhile. "You should still tell me why you're naked." she replied. "In good time, but for now, I think you should probably take a nap. You look awful." She flopped face down on my bed and wrapped herself up. "But I get an explanation right?" she asked. "Yes." I replied, internally resolving to tell her all about her astral body being a rebel with a mind of its own.

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