Chapter 2

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I got up from my floor, trying to pull myself together. I took my shirt off and put a bra on, a white button up shirt and black ripped jeans. As I was about to turn around and put my red pumas on, i was interrupted by a loud knock on my door. I sighed heavily and opened it to reveal my dads girlfriend standing in the doorway, smiling and looking at me. "Um..hey. So your dad wanted me to come let you know that your bus is here waiting." "Yeah, thanks" I said quickly as I shut my door.
       i wonder why my dad couldn't man up          and tell me himself

I scoffed and shook my head as I put on my red pumas and went down stairs. I walked through the kitchen and went out the door, not saying a word to anyone.

There my bus was sitting outside my house. I ran up to it and got on. There were literally no seats available...except for one. It was all the way in the back of the bus. I sighed and walked to the back. I plopped in the seat to the left and sat back. I closed my eyes, drowning out the sounds of the other students talking and laughing.

After what felt like a five minute ride, I was suddenly awoken by a hand on my shoulder shaking me. "Hey, kid wake up..we're here." I opened my eyes to see a tall blonde boy with ocean blue eyes hovering over me. "Oh.. thanks." I smiled awkwardly and stood up. "Haha no problem. My name is Brandon." he said as he reached out to shake my hand. "Kaitlyn Ross." I said as I shook his hand. "Nice to meet ya" he winked. I smirked. "What was the wink for?" I asked as we got off the bus. "Ah, just trying to be friendly."  "I see."

I looked around and the school was huge. There were two front doors ahead of us and two two story buildings next to it. One on the left, and one on the right. "Wow. This school is huge!" I said. Brandon laughed. "Ha, yeah it is.. What grade are you in?" he asked. "Oh I'm in 9th" I looked up at him as he looked down with a shocked look. "Damn! Seriously? I'm in 11th!" he said. "I could sorta tell because you're 6'4 and most 9th graders aren't that tall" I said with a wink. " He smirked. "What was that wink for?" I smiled and said "just trying to be friendly." I walked off to find my schedule while in the distance he said "Alright! See ya later..kid" he winked again.
             damn..this dude winks a lot.

I got my schedule and looked at it. It read:
1st- Spanish
2nd- P.E
3rd- Geometry
4th- U.S history
5th- Physical Science
1st lunch block
6th- Drama
7th- N/A

"N/A??" I said out loud. "What does that mean?" "it means not applicable" I jumped. Next to me stood Brandon. "Jeez you scared the crap out of me!!" I playfully slapped him on the arm. "Ha, time I'll say something" he smirked and winked. I laughed. "Okay seriously enough with the're starting to freak me out" 
We started walking to 1st period. "Well get used to it because we have all classes together."
My mouth shot open in shock. "No way give me that!" I ripped his schedule right out of his hands. I scanned it slowly looking for any difference compared to mine. "Oh my're right." I said as I handed it back to him. "Yup..looks like you're stuck with me Ross." I stopped dead in my tracks. "How do you know my last name?" He bursted out laughing. "It says it on your schedule dummy!" My cheeks started to burn red.

"Oh..whoops..didn't realize that." I said as I scurried ahead to catch up with him. "What's your last name?" I asked. "Micheals." he said. "Show me where 1st period is then..Michaels" I laughed. "Right this way Ross." he smirked as we walked into first period.

AN: ooooh they be flirtinnn!!((; anyway i hope you guys are enjoying this so far!! Please like and vote! My next update for chapter 3 will be soon. Also, did you guys notice that Ross And Micheals are both names of stores?!😂 I didn't until I went back. I did that unintentionally😂

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