Pierce The Veil Is My Family (Sequel to Pierce The Veil Adopted Me?!)

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THIS IS A SEQUEL! Just to make it clear, this is the sequel to 'Pierce The Veil Adopted Me?!', please do not read unless you've read that. The randomness and weirdness will make no sense whatsoever if you haven't read it.

Anyways, this is gonna take off where it left off. But in Chapter 21 I asked for comments or a private message if you wanted to be a character in this. Eight wonderful people did so I wanted to tell you which characters are who. (I listed in alphabetical order)

Caitlin (Cat) is @SquidgySHEEPCAT

Emily is @purplemonster4

Lexxus Griffith (Riot) is @lexxusgriffith

Marlee is @winter_blossom1

Mollie Sarah Easter is @ChocolateDeathMonkey

Ryder Smith is @TheWonderfulWorld

Victoria Ashley Kidd (Tori) is @ShanesWhores

Virginia Lowe is @whyisginnysougly

IMPORTANT; I'm going to make half of you Blades age and the other half Stewarts age. Mollie, Emily, Victoria, and Ryder will be Blade's age and Cat, Lexxus, Marlee, and Virginia will be Stewarts age. I hope that's fine.

So thank you, to all the wonderful souls who commented, or messaged me their names, and lovely personalities so that my uncreative mind wouldn't have to come up with characters. Bless your little souls. *I say in a fake posh/British accent*.

Okay, I was just kidding. But seriously, thanks for sending me your name, hobbies, what you look like, and whatever else I asked! Without you guys, the sequel will be shitty! I mean, don't expect it to fly over the coast of Mexico City, eating pancakes, shitting glitter and skittles, pissing rainbows, and blasting My Chemical Romance! But, now that I have characters it'll be a little less shitty then it would've been. Still shitty but less shitty.

Wow, see how much confidence I have in my writing? Anyways, this is the sequel to Pierce The Veil Adopted Me?! so if you plan on reading this, then please read that first!

Thanks for having interest! Don't piss on a cop named Steve! I mean, don't piss on any cop, but if you do, don't look for one named Steve, then piss on him. Wow I'm weird.

Pierce The Veil Is My Family (Sequel to Pierce The Veil Adopted Me?!)Where stories live. Discover now