8: Of Mice & Men Concerts

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~Blade's P.O.V.~

~3 weeks later~

It's Saturday, and later Andy is taking me to a Of Mice & Men concert, as a date. We'd be backstage, of coarse. I wanna go in the mosh pit, but I still have this stupid cast on. It doesn't even hurt anymore!

As I was picking out my clothes I got a text from Aaron. Ya know, Aaron Pauley

From: A-A-Ron (A/N-does anyone get this??)
Heyyyyyyy gurrrrrllllll! Are y'all goin to our show tonight?? It's in San Diego and the guys and I were wonderin

To: A-A-Ron
Yuppie-doodle! Andy's takin me on a date there! ooohhhhh you 5 MUST sign my cast!!!

From: A-A-Ron
Kk! and cast????

To: A-A-Ron
Broke mah wrist tree weeks agooooooo!! I'll xplain later! baiiiii gtg get ready! ttyl c'ya later!

I send, then pick out clothes, cause, ya know I'm not going to this naked. Okay then. Anywhore, I get my om&m tank top, it's the one that has the & sign on it. Just black and red. Then I get black skinny jeans with rips in them.

I walk into my bathroom, start the shower, and plug in my iPod. Recreant by Chelsea Grin comes on, and I get in the shower.

***not explainin the shower cuz I hope ya know what happens in those.. O.o***

After my shower I get out, and dry off to Right Back At It Again by A Day To Remember.

I put on cover up to cover my scars, cause I don't feel like showing my scars today, then get dressed.

"RIOT, WHERE'S MY HAIR DRYER AND STRAIGHTENER?!?" I yell when I can't find it. "IN MY BATHROOM!!" she yelled back. "CAN YOU BRING THEM UP?!?" I yell/ask back. "YUP!"

The fifteen year-old ran upstairs with my hair dryer and straightener. She hands them to me and I say thanks. She sits there while I blow dry my hair. I straighten my hair, tease it, then put a little bit of hairspray in it.

After that I put on my locket necklace, and my converse. I turn around to look at Riot. "Honest opinion, how do I look?" I ask after putting on eyeliner, I winged the eyeliner just a little bit. "Like a friggin supermodel!" she says. "A supermodel wearing Of Mice & Men clothes! But that makes it more awesome!" She says while waving her hands everywhere. I laugh and say thanks. Do you know how hard it is putting makeup on, and doing your hair with a broken wrist? It's hard.

I unplug my phone and look at the time. 5:00 p.m. Shit! Andy's picking me up in like zero seconds! He said 5:00 so we can hang out with them for a while. I grab my wallet, and checked how much money I have in it. $40. Okay, that's good. I hook the silver chain in the belt loop, then put the wallet in my back pocket, and my phone in the other one.

I then run downstairs just as the doorbell rings. I run to answer it, and Andy is standing there. "VIC!! I'M LEAVING TO THE CONCERT NOW!! I'LL BE BACK IN A WHILE!" I yell up, and walk outside. The ride was silent and we listened to;

All Your Hate by: Black Veil Brides

Would You Still Be There by: Of Mice & Men

Don't Pray For Me by: Asking Alexandria

Welcome To The Family by: Avenged Sevenfold

and A Match Into Water by Pierce The Veil

Not that long of a drive, I know.

We pulled up to the venue where the line was already forming. We pulled up behind their bus, and knocked on the door. "WE DON'T WANT ANY GROUPIES!!" I heard Tino yell. "BITCH, I AIN'T NO GROUPIE!!" I yell back as Andy laughs his ass off. "TINO, IT'S BLADE AND ANDY, LET THEM IN!" someone yells from the back. It sounds like Aaron so I'm guessing that's who it is.

Phil opens the door. He let's us in, where we see Tino eating, Aaron and Austin warming their voices, and Alan looking through his camera. "Hey Andy, hey Bla- what the fuck happened to your arm?!" Alan shouted. He's like my big brother. All these weirdos -except Andy are like my brothers. "Jumped off a swing, landed on my wrist, broke my wrist." I shrugged.

"GINGER PRINCESS SHALL SIGN IT!!" Austin screams. Not like yelling scream, but his music scream. Alan nods, grabs a sharpie, sprints over, signs it, then go's back to his camera. You're probably thinking 'what the hell just happened?' but I'm thinking; 'just a usual day'.

Aaron grabs the sharpie, signs it, hands the sharpie to Phil, who signs the cast, then hands the sharpie to Tino, who signs it, then hands it to Austin, who also signs it. "BIG BROTER!!!!" I yell, and Alan looks up. See, told ya, I call him big brother or 'big broter'. "I'm bored!" I say. He laughs, and stands up. "Wanna go meet some fans?" he asks. I look at Andy, who's talking with Phil and Aaron, then nod. "Andy! Ima meet fans with big bro!" I point to Alan. He nods, then go's back to his conversation.

Alan puts on shoes, then we walk outside tk the line of fans. "OMG IT'S ALAN!!" some chick yells. He smiles and waves at them. He starts talking to a group of fans (4 guys and 5 girls), when I notice a girl around my age standing there awkwardly.

I walk over to her. "Hi, I'm Blade." I smile at her. "Mollie." She smiles back. I shake her hand. "Did you come here with anyone?" I ask. She shakes her head 'no'. "Do you have a backstage pass?" I ask. "Yup." She shows it to me. "Blade, c'mon, they went backstage. We did the sound check earlier. Anyone who has a backstage is gonna be back there soon. But so far no one has had one." He says. "This is Mollie, she has a backstage pass." I tell him. "Hi Mollie, I'm Alan." He smiles at her.

"Big broter, can she come back with us? Pweeeeasaaaaaasseeeeeee!!" I ask Alan. He nods, and smiles at her.

~a couple hours later~

Mollie was aloud to stay side stage for the concert. Now they're currently walking up on the stage.

They play;
-Public Service Announcement
-Let Live
-Feels Like Forever
-Bones Exposed
-Would You Still Be There
-Still YDG'n
-Another You
-Second & Sebring
-Glass Hearts
-The Dephs

"Alright guys, this is the last song of the night-" Austin automatically gets boo's. "I know, I know. But I'd like to dedicate this to anyone who's bullied, or just feels alone! THIS IS YOU'RE NOT ALONE!" He yells into the mic., then they start the song.

After the Meet & Greet we were all in the om&m bus. "Mollie, do ya need a ride home?" Phil asks her. "I- uh- nope!" she smiles at them. "We can't let you walk home in this weather!" Tino says referring to the rain. "It's fine." She says nervously. "Nope. We're driving you. End of discussion." Aaron says. She sighs. "Thats thing thing, you can't drive someone home if they don't have a.. Home." She says awkwardly.

"Then where're you staying?" Austin asks. "An alleyway with my cat; Mr. Ginger Princess." She blushes a little bit. "You and da cat are staying with us!" Alan yells. After that Andy and I had to leave, so I gave my number to Mollie and left to go home.

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