20: Promise

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~Vic's P.O.V.~

When Blade fell asleep again I started to think about what could've caused that dream.. I'm not gonna leave this kid. Even if I wanted to -which I don't- I wouldn't be able to. I mean plus, what about the fans? I wouldn't be able to leave Blade, the fans, or the band. I can't even imagine leaving them. I mean, the fans are like my little Mexican children, the band, they're my brothers, and Blade, she's my daughter. I'd never leave any of them, so what's up with that dream? What the fuck would've caused that? Anxiety? Maybe she was having anxiety that I'd die....? Oh well haha I'll figure it out later.. I'm tired as fuck right now though.

~Andy's P.O.V.~

My phone went off at 7am, and i groaned, and looked at the bright iPhone screen. 6 Month Anniversary With Blade <3 cx. I jumped out of bed after reading that, and ran to the bathroom connected to my room, stripped down, and took a shower. [A/N- YOU PERVS WISH I'D EXPLAIN DIS SHIT]

Once I got out I put a towel around my waist, and went into my closet. I put on black skinny jeans, a old cut up Kiss shirt, and combat boots. I know Blade wouldn't want me doing anything fancy, so I'm not gonna do anything too fancy or expensive. After I was dressed I ran downstairs, and started making some pancakes. When I was trying to flip the first on half flipped on the other, so it looked like a taco. "HOLY SHIT IT'S A PANCAKE TACO!!!" I yelled, and made all of them like that. When I was done I had like 50 pancake tacos, so I grabbed ten, put it on a tray, and went to the PTV house. I knocked on the door, and a sleepy Jaime answered it.

"She's in her room getting dressed." he let me in while yawning. "What are those..?" he asked. 'Pancake tacos. There's some at the BVB house. I'd get some before they eat all of them." I said. His eyes lit up at the word 'taco', he nodded, and ran outside, and over to the BVB house. I laughed as Blade walked down.

"I brought breakfast, baby." I smiled at her, and looked at her outfit. She's wearing black ripped skinny jeans, a cut up Pink Floyd shirt, and combat boots. Haha, we kinda match, and we didn't plan it.

~Blade's P.O.V.~

"I brought breakfast, baby." Andy smiled at me as I walked downstairs. I looked at the tray of what he had. It looked like tacos, and smelled like.. pancakes? "What'd ya make?" I asked. "Pancake tacos. It's a pancake shaped like a taco. Also meaning i meant to make pancakes, but I fucked up while flipping one, and voila! The birth of pancake tacos." Andy explained. I laughed, and grabbed one. "No syrup..?" he asked. I scrunched up my face, "Syrup is disgusting." I say as I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a plate, and put five pancake tacos on the plate, and let Andy have the tray.

"Happy six month anniversary." I smiled at him, and kissed him before my breath smelled of pancakes. I smiled into the kiss, and pulled away smiling at my boyfriend. Then I started eating. Well, what d'ya expect? I'm a teenage girl. I'm hungry.

After we ate all the pancake tacos I brushed my teeth again, and made him brush his, then grabbed my shitty iPhone 4, chain wallet thingy, and walked outside with Andy. He walked us over to his car, and opened my door for me. I plugged in the auxiliary cord into the radio thing, then into my iPod which I grabbed before we left. I put on the playlist labeled 'Random Ass Playlist #.#'. Rape Me by Nirvana came on (A/N- BAKED BEAANNNNSSSSSS!! The people this is meant to will know)

Andy rolled down all the windows, and blasted the music as we sang -more like screamed- to the song. After that song was over Cease To Exist by Suicide Silence came on, and we tried to scream to that.

Pretty soon Andy stopped the car, and I looked out at where we are. We're at the Sprint store. "Why are we here...?" i asked. "Well, the phone CC got you for your birthday broke, and won't work, and your phone now is shitty and slow as fuck, sooooooo you be gettin' a new one. "You don't have to buy me a new phone." I said. "I know I don't, but I want to. So suck it up, baby, you're getting a new phone, and I'm buying it." He smiled at me. I sighed, but followed him in the store.

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