30: That's Not My Name

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-three days later-
-Blade's P.O.V.-

I woke up in a dark room with a headache. I went to move my hands up to rub my eyes, but I couldn't for some reason. I looked down, and saw rope around my hands, and feet so that I can't move. I try to yawn, but there's duct tape over my mouth. I start freaking out, not remembering anything after eating dinner with Andy. I know that I'm about to have a panic attack, so I calm myself down the best that I can.

I move my hands up as far as I can, and my head down as far as I can. I grip the duct tape, and pull it off quickly so it won't hurt as much. I try not to yell in pain when I pull off the duct tape.

Someone opens the door, and says "Well, I see you're finally awake!" the mans familiar voice says. "Umm... Who are you...?" I ask. "Well, Allison Emerson," he says, and right away I know exactly who he is. "I'm your father, I never died, and I wanted to meet up with my daughter and play a few games." he smirks. "I'm not your fucking daughter you asshole, and by the way, it's Blade Bruce-Fuentes. I was never an Emerson." I say 'Emerson' with hatred. He slaps me right across the face for that, and I get an idea. I fake cry in pain, and he yells "SHUT UP YOU LITTLE SLUT!" Then, I stop the fake crying, and when he turns around I get to the edge of the bed, and kick him where the sun don't shine.

He gets really pissed, and pushed me back down, and starts hitting me, I lay there, just knowing that if I make any noise it'll be worse. So, I just lay there, taking the hits, punches, and kicks, and waiting until he's done. When I think he's done, he walks away from the bed a few steps. But, of course he's not, he never is. I here a belt unbuckling, and I know what's about to happen. That's when I start to freak out.


Once he's done with his definition of "fun", I curl up in a ball, wishing Andy was here to stop him. I just started crying, but then remembered about my pocket knife and phone in my boot. I reach down, ignoring all the pain, mental and physical pain, that I'm feeling. First, I pull out my pocket knife, and open it. With the blade, I cut the rope on my hands, then my feet.

I pull out my phone next, being glad that I had it on airplane mode, so it's still at 100%. I make sure the ringer is off, and make sure it won't vibrate, then take my phone off of airplane mode. I make a group convo with all the guys from ATL, PTV, SWS, and BVB.

To; Andy, Jake, CC, Ashley, Jinxx, Vic, Tony, Mike, Jaime, Alex, Rian, Zack, Jack B, Kellin, Justin, Gabe, and Jack F~

Hey guys soooooo ummm I didn't run away or anything... Idk what happened after Andy and I ate, but I just woke up and uhhhhh some....things happened but uh I was kidnapped by the dude who supposably died but apparently he didn't die so uh yeah try to track down my number...please get me outa here...i can't handle this again...i love y'all..im putting my phone back on airplane mode I'll try to contact you guys again soon..bye ~Blade

I press send, wait till it delivers, then put my phone back on airplane mode, and put it in my boot. I then look at my pocket knife. I open it back up, and pull out the blade part. I put it to my wrist, feeling the familiar feeling, and 1 cut turns into 5, to 10, to 20, till I'm on my next arm. I stop while I still have the control to, and put that back in my boot to, using a rag to wipe off the blood.

-Andy's P.O.V.-

I looked down at my phone and was glad to see a text from Blade. "GUYS! I got a text from Blade!" I yell. "I did too!" Vic yells, and soon enough everyone had a text from Blade.

I opened the text, and saw it was in a group convo to everyone.

Hey guys soooooo ummm I didn't run away or anything... Idk what happened after Andy and I ate, but I just woke up and uhhhhh some....things happened but uh I was kidnapped by the dude who supposably died but apparently he didn't die so uh yeah try to track down my number...please get me outa here...i can't handle this again...i love y'all..im putting my phone back on airplane mode I'll try to contact you guys again soon..bye ~Blade

I read to myself. To say that that pissed me off is the understatement of the century. I'm beyond pissed. I'm fucking furious. "Other things"?!?!? WHAT THE HELL DID THAT SCUMBAG DO TO MY GIRLFRIEND?!?

"VIC! I'M GOING TO THE POLICE STATION!" I yell. "Wait! Lemme go!" he slides on my shoes, and we walk out to of the bus to the car. We drive to the police station, and the dude asked what they can help us with. I show him the text, and he says "Shit, okay, umm follow me." He says, and we follow him. "Okay, do you have a picture of her?" he asks, and I say, "yeah." And show him a picture.

Okay send that to (912) 860-5290 (Idk if that's someone's number soooo pretend it's not if it is) I send it, along with her name, what she was last wearing, how tall she is, when she was last seen, and where it was. He sets up an Amber Alert, and asks for my phone so he can start trying to track her down. I give him my phone, and he starts to track her down.

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