First Date

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Yesterday Kian had asked me out on a date and I'd said yes. He told me to get ready and to be ready by six. I nodded and now I was getting ready. I had finished the last few touches on my outfit and grabbed a pair of sunglasses. I was walking downstairs just as there was a knock on the door. I jogged down and opened it. He looked at me and his eyes widened. "You look absolutely breaktaking." He said and I smiled. "You too." I said bye to my family and we walked downstairs to his truck. He unlocked it and opened the door for me as I got in. Once I got in he shut the door and went to his side and got in. He put the key in the ignition and backed out if the space. "Where are we going?" I asked. "It's a secret." He said. I smiled. "Already keeping secrets eh Lawley?" I asked. "Maybe." He said and I smiled. He handed me the aux cord. "Go crazy." He said. I laughed and put it in my phone and searched. I started playing Fireflies by Owl City and he started laughing. "Might as well." I giggled. Once it ended I changed it to Please Don't Sing and he chuckled and rolled his eyes. "You are so funny sometimes I swear." He said. I smiled. Once that ended I turned on Big Green Tractor. "You're all over the place." He said and laughed. I smiled. I loved that laugh. He pulled into a mini golf place and parked. He got out and came to my door and opened it. I got put and he shut it and locked the truck. He grabbed my hand and we walked in there and we got our score card and we went to the first hole. He let me go first and I took my turn. On the fifth hole, Kian got to close and hit him with the putter. I crouched down and started laughing really hard. He chuckled and shook his head while rubbing his thigh. On the eleventh hole Kian did horribly on it and got pissed off and started beating one of the gnomes with his putter. Kian didn't get caught somehow. We finished up and totaled the score up and Kian won. He took me back to the car and we went to a nice restaurant for dinner. I told him I'd pay but he insisted that he would. I tried to argue but he wouldn't listen. So we went and ate. Kian managed to drop some of his potatoes on his pants. I laughed and he smiled. We ate and left the restaurant at 8:29. He then took me for ice cream, where I again insisted on paying and he finally let me. We both ordered and I payed for it. We sat down and ate. Kian and I ate and I had gotten some ice cream on my mouth. "You've got something on your mouth. Let me get it." He said and leaned in and kissed me. I smiled and kissed him back. He pulled off. "Got it." I smiled and we stood up and threw our stuff out left. We went back to the condo and went upstairs. I tried to beg my parents to let me spend the night with Kian, but they wouldn't let that happen. I sighed and kissed Kian before we both went back into our condos. "I hope you sleep well tonight babe. I had a lot of fun tonight." He said. "Thanks. I did too." He smiled. He picked me up and hugged me and twirled me around. He then set me down. "Night babe." "Night Kian."

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