Not My Fault

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Kian and I had invited Justin Bieber over to have a video game night. Kian was really good friends with Justin, so we figured it'd be really fun. We had gotten plenty of food and had the game set up when Justin arrived.

"Hey Kian, Madison." He said when he walked in. We walked to the couch and sat down. We began playing Mario Kart. We played for a while. Kian kept getting pissed off because I kept pushing him off the track. Justin would push me off the track everytime I pushed Kian off.

We took a break for a bit and ate pizza and candy and all the other junk we had. Kian kept trying to kiss the pizza sauce off my mouth. I told him to not do it in front of Justin, but he wouldn't listen. I giggled as Kian kept doing it and I heard Justin making puking sounds.

We then switched to Just Dance. We got up in front of the tv. We started dancing. They let me do Into You by Ariana Grande by myself. Kian and I did The Way together. When we were doing Beauty and A Beat by Justin Bieber oddly enough, I accidentally hit Kian with the Wii remote.

Finally we did Wii Sports. I, once again, hit Kian with the remote while playing tennis. We played golf and bowling. Kian accidentally hit me in the face on his backswing during a game of bowling. I guess I had it coming after all the times I'd hit him.

When we were playing Just Dance, I kept noticing Justin staring at me in some not so nice ways. I shook it off, not thinking anything of it. I figured since Justin was Kian's friend he wouldn't try anything. I just kept playing while Kian laughed at my fails.

A bit later, Kian got up to use the bathroom. Once he left, I got up to get some more soda. I was pouring my drink when I was pushed up against the wall. "Hey gorgeous." Justin said, leaning in dangerously close. "Justin. Stop. I'm Kian's girlfriend." I said. "Shut up." He said and forcefully kissed me. Kian walked out at that point. "What in the hell is going on here!?" He yelled. Justin pulled off. "I don't know man she came onto me." Justin said.

I couldn't believe it. Kian had to believe me. "Really Madison? I thought you and me had something. Should've figured you were just another slut." He said. My heart broke. I felt tears slip down my cheeks "Justin. Leave. I need some space." He said and Justin walked out. "I gotta go." Kian said.

I grabbed his arm. "Kian please believe me. Justin came onto me! He's lying I swear!" I pleaded. "Oh yeah? And how do you expect me to believe that?" He asked. "You should believe me because why would I cheat on a guy who I've been in love with for over a year and a half now? Why would I just throw it all away for a lousy kiss? Kian you know that I'm yours. And I'd never do anything to jeopardize that." I said.

He thought for a bit. "How do I know you're not just saying this to get me back so you'll do it again?" He asked. "Because I'm not that kind of girl Kian. I swear I'm not. Justin is just a fake friend. He came onto my I swear. He even slapped my ass when you walked into the living room before us." I said. He sighed.

"I believe you." He said. I jumped into his arms. "Thank you so much." I said while crying softly into his neck. I sniffled a bit. "Hey hey, don't cry. No need to be sad. I won't leave I promise. Justin had always said he liked you anyway. I just never thought he'd actually try anything." Kian said. I nodded slightly and sniffled. "I-I just d-don't want lose yo-u Kian." I said. He kissed my head. "You won't and you never will. I'm yours forever." He said and rubbed my back.

I squeezed him tighter. "Don't ever forget that I'll always need you." He said. I nodded. "I won't. I need your love too damn much for that." I said and sniffled. "Wanna go to bed?" He asked. I nodded. "Cuddles and YouTube?" He asked. "You know me so well."

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