Fights Lead to Lonely Nights

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Next Day: (Kian) I sat on the couch the next day, staring at the wall. I hadn't showered or anything. I hadn't eaten anything. I couldn't believe I'd done what I did. I'd shattered the glass of our relationship. I missed her so much. I kept thinking, oh I'll just go talk to Madison about it. Then she's not there and I'm reminded of how horrible I was to her. I couldn't believe what'd I'd done. I needed her so much. I wish she'd come back, but I know she won't. She doesn't deserve my bullshit. I should just leave her be. It's what she'd want.
I sat on my bed. Tissues scattered all over the room. I had the door locked. I didn't do anything. Nothing. I should've listened to Jai. Jai's older, wiser. He knows what he's talking about. I couldn't believe I'd let Kian in my life. I knew it was a mistake. I tried to tell myself I didn't need him. I couldn't listen. I needed him and I knew I did. It was just another dumb fight. I wanted him back. But I doubted I'd get him back.
(Kian, later on that night)
I showered and layed in bed and stared at the ceiling. The bed was dreadfully cold. I was lonely. I wanted to cry. I missed her. So so much. I attempted sleep. I couldn't go to sleep. I wanted to text her. I knew she wouldn't answer. Why would she? I'm no skin off her ass anymore. She probably hated me and had me blocked anyway. I layed there in the dark, praying for sleep. It didn't come. It was so lonely without my lil ninja beside me. I waited and waited, praying for a text as well. God that text was all I needed. I sighed as I saw the sun peaking through the window. This wasn't the first sleepless night. And I knew it wouldn't be the last.


I sat on my bed. "Too Much To Ask" played on repeat. Jai, Mom, and dad had all threatened to break down the door so they could come talk to me. Jai said he knew I was right but still wanted nothing but for me to be happy again. There was only one way I'd be happy again. And that was Kian. I tried to take my mind off it by facetiming by friend Ivan. "Hey kid, what's up? Who made my lil monkey cry?" I smiled at his Spanish accent. "It's Kian." I sighed.

I saw fury flash in his eyes. "I can't believe him. I love you so much and he broke your heart. Give me his address. I'm gonna kick his ass." I shook my head. "Ivan no. I know you love me and I love you too. Kian wasn't thinking. I didn't need the relationship anyway. It was probably meant to be." "No Maddy. I know how happy you were with him. This isn't meant to be." I sighed.

I explained what went down and saw him shaking his head multiple times. "Listen. I'll stay with you all night. I don't want you lonely and sad." "Ivan you're too sweet. Can you please come be with me?" I knew it wasn't realistic and I meant it as a joke. "I'm on my way." "What!? You're in L.A.. Are you insane?" "A plane ticket doesn't mean shit. I'll be there as quickly as possible." He hung up and I sat back. Wow. I have the best friend.

Ivan got to my house at 4 in the morning. I looked at him and he picked me up and hugged me tightly. "Can't. Breath." I coughed. "Sorry." He set me down and carried me upstairs. He had on a bookbag and took it off. He dumped out every kind of food possible onto the bed. I smiled. I felt a bit happier.

"I'm sorry you're having to deal with Kian. I'm here for you babe." He sat down and set me on his lap. We ate till the sun came up. We watched movies on movies for hours and hours. I fell asleep with my head on his chest. I couldn't take my head off Kian. I missed him still. Having Ivan here was lovely, but nothing compared to Kian.

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