Chapter Three- Are We Friends?

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Chapter Three- Are We Friends?


I looked down at Sam and then swiftly scooped her up bridal style. She was shaking. I knew that it was because of the recent incident, but I slipped off of my jacket and pulled it over her shoulders ayways.

I didn't really know why she pushed everyone away, but I could tell she needed a friend. Everyone was so mean to her, was there more to her than a small, delicate, and innocent girl? I wasn't sure where too bring her, but then I remembered that she was still consious, just not speaking.

So, I turned to her and asked, "Where would you like to go?" She looked up and said to me, with a hurt look in her hazel eyes, "I like this alley and...." he voice craked softly. I placed my finger over her pink lips to quiet her because it looked painful for her to speak.

That's when I realized she probably hasn't had fun in a long time. An alley? That's pretty depressing. And I knew just were to bring her. I placed her gently down on my front seat of my silver toyota and sat down in my own seat. I started the engine and drove off.




It had already been 20 minutes and I was still in the car with Luke. Why did I even let him take me in his car? I've only known him for a day. But the way he looked at my with kind eyes, not hate or disgust, made me completely weak. He almost set a spell on me.

Soon we pulled to the side of the road. I was confused at first, but then I saw where we were, a beach. It was such a nice day out and little children ran around the sand, sceaming joyfully, dogs jumped in and out of the water, and in love couples laid on blanckets string into eachothers eyes.

Luke got out of his car and walked to the trunk he pulled it open and took out a couple of towels. He was going swimming I guess, but I didn't see him with a bathing suit. Luke finally spoke and said, "I know I haven't lived here for a long time, but I love the beach, so immediatly searched for one on my first week here.

I was still sitting in the car, Luke was talking to me through the window. He walked around the other side and opened the door, "Are you coming out?" He asked a bit sharply. And I nodded my head quick and jumped out of the car. As I was lightly jogging over to him, I tripped over a rock.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. Luke gave me a teasing look and said, "Did the innocent girl just swear." With a small smirk on my face I scoffed then replied, "No, I said,   Dang Nabbit."

Luke let  out a little chuckle then held out his hand to hep me up. I ignored it and got up on my own. Then, I ran ahead of him. I don't like to admit it, but I don't usually smile, and Luke just made me smirk. As soon as I turned around I saw some young and quite pretty girls giggling around Luke. For some reason it pissed me the hell off.

So, I went over to stand by him. One  of the girls looked like a barbie doll with her fake implants and the with the other girl I swore I saw a tissue peeking out of her bikini. She stuffed her bikini. Da fuq. Luke had this strait look on his face hiding his cute dimples. Why wasn't he flirting with them?

One of the girls turned to me and said rudley, "And who are you?" She then gave me a look that made me feel insecure. I shuttered, "I-I'm his uh I um.." Luke cut in saying, "We're friends."



He really saw me as a friend?

I used to have many friends, when I was 5.

Then to the girls Luke said, "I have to go now. Bye." He didn't ask for their numbers, didn't tell them to hit him up on facebook or insta. He just left.

When we reached the end of the sand, water was up to my ankles. Luke looked like he was trying to hide a smile when I was about to ask him what was so funny he shoved me.

I fell onto my knees soaking wet from the water, I yelled, "Arsehole!" Luke was now laughing and I pulled him into the water in more of an angry was than a jokinly manner.

Luke squealed like a pig and fell in. He started laughing, but I was just staring at him annoyed. "What live a little he said to me."

"You want me to live a little huh?" I said cuppping some sand behind my back.

"Yes!" Luke said getting a bit close to me. Then, I pulled my hand out from behind me and chucked the sand at him face. "HA!" I screamed triumphantly.

We soon got out of the water and dryed off from the towels Luke brought.

Luke helped me into the car and when we were driving home he stunk up the car. At first I thought it was the gas from the car, but I changed my mind when I saw Lukes bright red cheeks. I didn't call him out for it though because I would be so embarassed if he did that to me.

When we pulled up to my house. I turned to Luke and appologized by saying, "I am so so sorry! I can't believe I caused you to miss your first day of school!" I felt so bed.

Luke just turned to me and shrugged, "I don't really mind. It's fine."

I guess school wasn't really important to Luke.

When I checked my phone it said 3:15.

We were at the beach for 2 hours. No wonder I was wrinkled like a prune.

Shit. My dad and Josh and Janice

I turned to Luke frieghtenly saying, "Thank you, Bye. I have to go please leave. Now."

Then, I ran into the house waiting to face my Dad and even worse, my siblings.

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