Chapter 5- Humiliation

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Chapter 5


They all start to move in on me. I feel like I am a gazelle surrounded by tons of hungry lions. I step backwards and feel my hands lightly shaking from their menacing smirks.

Josh's friend, Will is pulling something behind him.

I feel a new wave of fear wash over me as he pulls a pocket knife from his jacket. I don't know what to do, my face has gone completely white.

Josh chuckles, reminding me of a villian in a Disney movie. He says,

"Jesus bitch we aren't going to cut you. We are going to do something else."

By now a huge crowd is gathered around us. Some of the people are so drunk that they're tipping over and stumbling into other people causing almost a domino effect. It would be funny sight that is if I wasn't this terrified.

Will moves towards me the knife pointed towards the ground.

"We're just gonna give you a little bit of a makeover" Will slyly says.

Oh no, I suddenly realize what this was.

I had completely forgotten when I agreed to come to this party filled with wasted people. Every year my brother and his friends choose a social "outcast" from their year. I just never realized it would be me. When they choose their outcast they take a knife or scissors and cut off their hair so it is very short, last year the girl who had been chosen was forced to wear a wig. Then they take a razor and shave off your eyebrows. After that they would take your clothes and practically drop kick you off into the street without a ride home. To make everything so much worse, they take photos of you and force it into the yearbook. It's an experience that no high schooler would ever want to undertake.

This year that high schooler was me.

I had no idea what to do, but run.

I didn't have any distraction so I screamed. I scream on the top of my lungs and push through the sea of people, but I feel Josh's, Will's and some other buff guys presence behind me and they stumble through the large group that had gathered. Since their drunk I have an advantage.

I finally saw the front door and it was like a light in a tunnel of darkness. I continue to push and shove when suddenly someone grabs my arm I look up and a see a certain blue-eyed fella. Great.

Calum stepped next to him and said to me, "I just invited Luke, I figured since you knew him that it would be cool if he came along."

I nodded my head, but then turned it to the side to see Josh only yards away from me.

I quickly try to pull from Luke's grasp, and I say a bit too loudly, "Please I need to go!"

I saw sadness flash through his eyes, but he quickly nodded his head and asked, "Why are you in such a rush?"

I tilted my head towards Josh and his perfectly shaped lips formed an "O."

I should've just broke from Luke's grasp I shouldn't have stayed there because Josh was now standing right in front of me.

I could see the sly grin on Josh and his friends faces as they looked between Luke and I.

I hadn't noticed that he was still gripping onto my arm.

Just then Janice appeared behind her annoying heals were clicking.

When she saw Luke, she gave him a seductive smirk and I shot here a glare.

I didn't even know why I cared what she did. But I knew one thing, I don't want her anywhere near Luke.

Luke stared at my brother and he asked him in a gruff voice, "What are you doing to her?"

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