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I hear my alarm clock being annoying. I start thinking why I put the alarm on. Tikki says, "Morning Marinette!" Then it hits me that today is the first day back to school after the Summer Holidays. Oh no! It's the starting of school! Which means I have to face... ADRIEN!!! I don't wanna go! He's gonna kill me and hurt me. He has a group that can actually murder me. Adrien, Chloe, Sabrina, Kim and Max!

My thoughts are interrupted with a knock on my trap door. My mom enters and says, "Marinette! It's time to go to school now!" I get up from my bed and nod. She leaves and I put my outfit on the bed. I go downstairs and kiss my mom's and dad's cheek saying, "Morning Mama! Morning Papa!" They both say, "Morning Marinette!" I eat breakfast and go upstairs. I take a shower and wear my clothes.

 I take a shower and wear my clothes

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I put my hair in a side braid. Tikki says, "Looking good Marinette!" I giggle and say, "Thanks!" I walk out of my room and run down the bakery. I kiss my parents cheek and say, "Bye Mama! Bye Papa!" They kiss my cheek and say, "Bye Marinette! Have fun!" I walk out the bakery and walk to school. I feel the breeze hit my body and it relaxes me.

I walk in school to be tackled by someone. I look up to see my best friend Alya hugging me to death. She says happily, "OH MY GOD!! HEY GIRL!! I'M SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!!" I say, "Hey and can you let me go before I stop breathing?" She giggles and stands up. She helps me up and hugs me again. I hug her back and smile warmly. She says, "Let's go to class before we're late."

We walk in class and walk over to our regular seats. Before I get up the stairs, someone trips me and I fall on the floor. I look up to see him standing there with a wicked smile plastered on his face. Adrien Agreste. I look at him in fear and horror. I quickly stand up and sit on my seat fast. Adrien sits in front of me and Alya next to Nino.

Mrs.Bustier walks in and says, "Hello class. Welcome back to school! There are 4 new students here. Please come in." 2 girls and 2 boys walk in. The girl with blue hair says, "Hi everyone! I'm Bridgette Dupain-Cheng! Marinette's twin sister!" The boy with blue hair says, "Hey guys! I'm Marin Duapin-Cheng! Marinette's and Bridgette's older brother!"

The blonde girl says, "Hi everyone! I'm Adriana Agreste! Adrien's and Felix's older sister!" The blonde boy says, "Hello everyone. I'm Felix Agreste. Adrien's twin brother." They all stare in shock mostly Marinette. She says, "Marin?! Bridgette?! What are you doing here?! Why didn't you tell me that your coming?!"

She giggles at my shocked face and says, "We didn't tell cause we wanted to surprise you! We really wanted to see how you would react when your twin and older brother come to school." I run to her and hug her and she hugs me back happily.

Marin comes to us and says, "Well thanks for forgetting your only brother!" He pouts which makes me and Bridgette giggle. We all have a group hug. I'm so happy that we all are together again that I almost crush them in the hug. Bridgette says, "Marinette. I know it's been 8 years since we last saw each other, but that doesn't mean you have to kill us!" I laugh and let them go.

Adrien feels so shocked that his siblings are here with him. He's so shocked that he's at loss of words. Adriana walks over to him and inspects his face. She says while pouting, "Yep he's lost and speechless! He's literally speechless that he won't gives us a hug!"

He laughs at her childishness and hugs her. He was about to hug Felix but he puts his hand out to shake. Adrien looks at him and smile. He shake his hand respectively. Mrs.Bustier interrupts and says, "I hate to ruin this little reunion, but I have a class to teach so if you would be so kind if to let me teach." We walk to our seats. My siblings sit together and Adrien's siblings sit together.

The bell rings and I walk out of class to be pushed rudely by a certain blonde. Chloe Bourgeois. I stand up and walk away. My arm is pulled and I turn to face Adrien. I say scared, "P-Please let me go!" He says, "Sure Maritrash!" He pushes me on the floor and kicks me. This was not unusual. He and his friends always did this to me. I'm not fully used to it but I know I have to be tortured everyday.

Suddenly a voice screams out in pure anger, "Hey! Let her go you bully!" I turn to see Bridgette standing there with an angry look. I try saying, "B-Bridgette please d-don't." Adrien kicks me and says, "SHUT UP!! I DIDN'T ALLOW YOU TO TALK!!" I whince in pain. Tears come out of my eyes.

Bridgette runs to me and helps me stand up. I try helping her by mustering my strength. She takes me to the nurse office. She puts me on bed and says, "Oh Marinette..... why didn't you tell me?" I answer, "B-Because I was s-scared." She hugs me and says, "There's nothing to be afraid of." I fall asleep.

I wake up in the arms of my older brother. He says, "Morning Sleepyhead." I giggle and hug him. He puts me down and I stand up. I walk out of the school. I hear screams and I run to a hiding spot. I say, "Tikki Spots On!"

I transform into Ladybug and leap out of my hiding spot. I run to the akumatized person. I see her fighting Cat Noir. The villain says, "I'm Dream Crusher! I wanted to be a fashion designer! But Gabriel Agreste declined my offer! He wouldn't even let me try!"

After the fight:

I say, "Bye Bye little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!" I hear my earings beep and I say, "Well time to go! Bye Cat Noir! Bug out!" He says with a flirtious wink, "Bye M'Lady." I leap away and land on my balcony. I go in my room and sit on the sofa. I eat dinner with everyone and go back to my room. I finish my homework and change into my pajamas.

 I finish my homework and change into my pajamas

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I put my hair in a bun and go to my washroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I kiss Tikki's head and say, "Good night Tikki." She says, "Good night Marinette." I lie down and close my eyes. I quickly fall asleep.

Hira: Heyyy guys! Hope you like it! Love ya! Peace out ✌

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