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4 years later:

I'm relaxing at my hotel room, when suddenly my phone rings. I pick it up and smile widely. I answer it and say, "Hey Ari! How are you?" Ariana says also happily, "Hey Mari! I'm great! What about you?" I answer, "I'm doing well but I have great news! I'm coming back to Paris this weekend!!"

I hear squealing and I move the phone away from my ear. She says very excited, "REALLY?! OMG WE ARE SO GONNA HANG OUT EVERY DAY AND ADRIEN WILL SUPER BE HAPPY!!" I smile at the thought of Adrien and she suddenly says, "You know, he hasn't been with any girl since you left, he's just been really depressed!"

I feel shocked and ask, "Really? He misses....me?" She answers happily, "Yep!! Oh I gotta go but we will talk soon, okay?? Bye!!" I giggle and say, "Sure! Bye Ariana!" We han upg up and I go to the mirror. Finally I'll get to see my friends and prince charming! I'm super excited to see them again!!


I wake up due to my annoying alarm clock! I shut it off and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face. I take a shower and bath. I finish and wrap a towel around myself. I also wrap another towel around my head and come out of the bathroom. I walk to my closet and take out my outfit.

 I walk to my closet and take out my outfit

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I grab my stuff and walk out of my room. I give the keys to the receptionist and walk out of the hotel. I see a car waiting for me and get in. I stare outside, until the driver says, "Ms. Dupain-Cheng we are here." I nod and get out of the car to be greeted by fans. I revealed my identity 2 years ago and I don't regret it.

After the ride:

I walk out of the airport and enter the limo waiting or me. I wait for a while, until the car comes to a hault. I walk out and see the bakery where I grew up in. I smile and see the closed sign. My smiling face turns into a confused one when I see the closed sign. The bakery is usually open at this time. Did they change timings?

I walk in and see all the lights are off. I turn them on and don't see anyone. I shrug my shoulders and go upstairs with my stuff in my hand. I go to the living room and open the door. I turn on the lights and jump when I hear a loud scream, "SURPRISE!!!!!!" I look to see all my friends and family standing there, smiling.

I feel the tears well up in my eyes and gasp. I drop everything I'm holding and cover my mouth in shock. I jump in excitement and hug all of them. I say, "OMG THAT WAS SUPER SWEET OF YOU GUYS TO DO THIS FOR ME!! YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T HAVE!!" They laugh and hug me, super tight.

Bridgette says with a playful smirk, "Oh Marinette! I think there is someone who missed you more than any of else did!" She looks at the person beside her and there I see him. The blonde haired and emerald green eye model himself, Adrien Agreste. He walks closer to me and stands right in front of me.

He wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me tightly. He whispers, "I missed you Princess." I blush and hug him back. I say, "I missed you too Kitty." Me and Adrien texted each other a lot so we both became very close. We eventually revealed our identities to each other, by accident of course.

He stares at my face and I stare back. He whispers, "Now I can finally do this." Before I ask him anything, he crashes his lips to mine and I immediately kiss back. We hear cheering and clapping in the background. We break the kiss and I notice a tint of redness on Adrien's cheek, which also makes me blush.

After the party:

When the party finishes, everyone leaves except Adrien. We both clean the house. I found out many new things like Chloe and Nathaniel are dating, Bridgette and Felix are dating, Marin and Adrianna are dating and Ariana is dating Ross which makes me really happy because they make totally make a cute couple.

I lay down on the same bed as Adrien and snuggle against him. I say ,"Goodnight Kitty." He hugs me and replies, "Goodnight princess." For the first time in years I enjoy my sleep.

5 years later

I hold my precious baby, Hugo in my hand while rocking him to sleep. I'm now 28 years old and blessed with 3 kids. Their names are Louis, Emma and Hugo. Me and Adrien have been married for 4 years because we wanted to be together forever. Sure there were bumps on the road but we made it through together by love and care.

I became a fashion designer and I'm Adrien's personal fashion designer. I heard the door open and saw the love of my life. He walked towards me and kissed me on the lips, deeply. He asked, "How are you Mrs. Agreste?" I smile playfully and answer, I'm doing good Mr. Agreste." Louis and Emma run into the room saying, "Daddy!!"

I'm happy with my life and all my friends who were dating are now married to each other. Tikki comes out and says, "Mari I need cookies." I nod and walk to the kitchen to grab a jar of cookies and some Camembert. I go back out and set them on the table for both the Kwamis to enjoy. We all go to the dinning room and have dinner.

After dinner I announce, "Alright kids! It's time for bed!" They wash their hands and we take them to their room. We put them to bed and kiss their foreheads while saying, "Goodnight kids!" They say goodnight and we turn off the lights. We close the door qietly so that they won't wake but leave it a crack open.

We go in our room and change in to our pajamas. Adrien pulls me on to his lap and kisses me deeply. I runs my fingers through his hair and pull him closer. He pushes me to the bed and bites my lips. I gasp giving him access to put his tongue into my mouth. In the end he whispers, "I love you." I smile and say, "I love you too." We both drift of into sleep.

Hira: TA-DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What do y'all think? Please tell me you liked it. Please comment, like and follow me. Also tell me which BTS memeber should I write about: Jungkook or Yoongi? Please comment below and choose. Love ya. Peace out

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