Chapter 8

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Alya's POV:

I laugh at my remark and Mari. I raise my fist to pucnh her and I was about to punch her but she grabbed my arm. I look at her shocked and she throws me at the lockers. I look at Mari shocked and I see great anger in her eyes. Why am I even doing this? Why am I hurting her? Oh right she talked bad about me! She deserves to suffer! Adrien was right about her being an annoying brat!

She hugs the bitch and walks out with her. I feel guilty. I should have at least confirmed it with Mari. I know whenever she's lying and I would know if she really did those mean things to me. Ugh! My head is killing me! My friends help me up and we walk out. When we walk out, I see them laughing and I feel hurt.

Marinette's POV:

I wake up completely tired. I look around to see Bridgette on the couch and Ariana on the bed. I get up and walk to the washroom. Tikki flies in and says, "Good Morning Mari! Quickly get ready, we have to go to the studio." I groan and say, "Morning and right. It's Saturday." Tikki laughs and leaves the washroom. I take off me clothes and take a shower. I quickly wear my outfit.

I put my hair in a ponytail and leave my bangs out

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I put my hair in a ponytail and leave my bangs out. I put my other clothes in my bag and walk out. I hug my parents and kiss their cheeks while saying , "Bye Mama! Bye Papa! See you on Monday!" They hug me back and say, "Bye honney! Have fun!" I leave the house and walk to the studio. I walk in to be greeted by Ross, Marin, Adrien, his friends and siblings already here.

I walk to my dressing room and feel everyone staring at me. I open my dressing room and lock it. I sigh and slide down the door. I look around and see a picture. I pick it up and see the picture of me, Adrien, Alya and Nino. I was about to cry but I say to myself, "No. I refuse to cry over these memories." I put it on the table and change my clothes.

" I put it on the table and change my clothes

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(Ignore the hat)

I open my hair and curl it's ends. I wear eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. I unlock the door and walk out. Once I walk in, everyone looks at me a little angry. I ignore it and just go to the cameraman. I tell him the song and he nods. I put my purse on the table and go in front of the camera. I ruffle my hair and the music starts playing.

(Ignore Ben)

When I finish, I see everyone looking at me. I just turn away from them and sit on the couch. I feel very uncomfortable and hear the doors open. I look up to see Bridgette and Ariana waving at us. Ariana runs to me and hugs me. I hug her back and ask, "Hey! How are you?" She answers, "I'm great and you?" I answer with a sweet smile, "I'm good." Suddenly she starts shivering.

She is looking at the bullies and starts backing away. I grab her hand and say, "Don't worry they won't hurt you. If they do.... they know what I can do." I glare at them and 5 Seconds Of Summer and One Direction walks in. I look and see the guys. I smile and say, "Hey! What are you guys doing here?"

Michael says, "Oh we forgot to tell you that we are also different bands." I look at them and nod my head. Harry asks, "What are you doing here tho?" I smile and say, "Your looking at Secret Love." They all scream very loud, "WHAT?!?!!?!!" I say, "Hey! I have sensitive ears!" They say with their heads down, "Sorry."

I laugh and hug them. Ross walks to us and asks, "Hey can I borrow Mari for a sec?" He grabs my arm before letting them answer and pulls me to where everyone is, except for Ariana and Bridgette. Adriana asks, "Mari are you okay?" I look at them confused and answer, "Yes? Why do you ask?"  They look at me still upset and Felix answers, "Well.... Adrien has been acting weird every since you beat him up."

I look at them, confused and ask, "Wait what? I beat Adrien?" I feel my head hurt as I try to remember. Marin holds me and asks, "Mari? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I scream in pain, "Ugh! Stop it! Get out of my head! I can't handle it anymore! This is too much!" Everything starts floating and goes in circular motion.

My hair starts flowing and I levitate as well. Bridgette screams, "MARI!!!!!" I feel too much out of control. I feel like if no one stops me, I will destroy everything. I need someone to help me or else everyone will die! I scream out for help but it's no use. Everything stops and falls on the floor. I also fall and scream.

Suddenly I feel like I'm in someone's arms. I open my eyes to see that I'm in Adrien's arms. He is looking at me and I'm shivering. He leans in and I also lean in. We kiss and he puts his hand on my cheek softly. I feel so much realaxed. Suddenly I feel my head in pain. My eyelids grew heavy and I let my conscious fade away.

Hira: Yep! You all hate me. But it ain't my fault I have one last exam tomorrow and let's hope they go well. Anyway, hope you liked it. Please vote, comment and follow me. Love ya. Peace out ✌

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