Chapter 6

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I walk in the darkness. I see a girl standing there with another girl with 2 boys. I walk to them and say, "Hi." They look at me and the purple-haired girl says, "Hey. You must be Marinette. I'm Mal." The blue-haired girl says, "I'm Eveie." The boy with white-hair says, "I'm Carlos." The boy with long brown hair says, "I'm Jay." Suddenly, Mal says, "The ring your wearing, never take it off if you want to be safe." They walk towards me and I close my eyes.

I wake up breathing heavily. Everyone rushes to me and Adrianna says, "Mari?! Are you ok?!" I feel something I never felt before but I ignore it. I say, "I'm fine." They hug me except for my enemies. I don't hug anyone. Ross says hesitantly, "Mari? Are you sure your ok?" I answer with a little attitude, "I said I'm fine!" They look at me, shocked.

I stand up from the bed and walk out. I go to my dressing room and open my closet. I see girly clothes and almost barf. I say with anger, "Do I even have clothes?!" I throw all the girly clothes with a disgusted face. I find a outfit which matches my natural liking. I smile wickedly and go to the bathroom. I take a shower and wear my clothes.

I put my hair in curls and walk out to be greeted by my sister

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I put my hair in curls and walk out to be greeted by my sister. She asks excitedly, "Mari do you wanna go for a walk?" I say, "No! Now get lost!" She widen her eyes and runs away. I roll my eyes and sit on the chair. Tikki asks, "Mari, why are you being rude?" I answer, "Because I don't want to be hurt." I remember it's school today and walk to school.

I reach school and walk to class. I sit on my seat and wait for the stupid teacher to come. Adrien comes in and says, "Hey look! It's the loser!" I say, "Are you talking about yourself?" He glares at me and walks towards me. He hits the table and asks, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST FREAKIN SAY?!?!" I groan and look at him in the eyes.

I answer, "Are you deaf? I'm not repeating myself. Later loser." He was about to slap me but the teacher came. He stormed to his seat and mumbled something under his breath that I couldn't quite make out. Suddenly, someone sits next to me and I look to see Alya. I look away, annoyed. Class starts and I listen to music. I feel Alya staring at me.

After class:

I walk out before anyone else. I go to my locker and open it. I put my books in and walk towards my next class. While walking, someone calls my name, "MARINETTE!!" I turn to look at the idiot and see Adrien and his group. I roll my eyes and walk away.

I hear their footsteps getting closer. I just calmly walk to class. He grabs my wrist and turns me around. I scream with anger, "WHAT?!?!" Adrien says, "Who the heck do you think you are?! Screaming at me like you can?!" I tap my chin and say, "Hmm.... I don't know, maybe your ex-best friend. I will scream at you as much as I want."

Adrien pulls me with him. He takes me to the locker room and says, "Ready for your beat up?" My eyes glow green and my ring gets darker. He widens his eyes, shocked. I walk towards him. I say, "Don't. Ever. Touch. ME!" I start hitting and kicking him and walk away.

I evily smirk and my eyes quickly turn back to blue-bell. I walk in to class and the teacher says, "Thank you for coming Marinette. Where were you?" I roll my eyes and answer, "Are you involved in my life? No? Then none of your business." Everyone widens their eyes.

The teacher says in anger, "Marinette! Go to the principals office! NOW!" I walk out, smiling. I roam the halls and listen to music. I go to the locker room and see everyone gathering in a corner. I walk to see what's happening. I look to see Adrien's arm, leg and face bleeding. I smile wickedly and he looks at me. My eyes turn green to scare him.

He looks at me in horror and says, "Please help me! Before she hurts me!" He points at me and I say, "Well Agreste, wanna fight again? This time if anyone loses, they die." Everyone looks at me in horror and I laugh evily. I walk out with evil inside me. My siblings, Adrien's group and siblings corner me. They have fear in their eyes.

Adriana asks, "Marinette what's going on? What did you do to my brother?" I roll my eyes and answer, "I taught him a lesson. He deserved it for being a loser." Chloe says, "You cannot treat my Adrikins like that!" I slap her face so hard that she falls on the floor.

She has a red hand print. I turn my back to them and walk away. I feel good after doing that. I walk to class but stop outside. I wanna sleep so I go to the nurses office to sleep. I enter the office and see the nurse working. She looks at me and widens her eyes. She pretends she doesn't know anything. I smile to myself.

I walk to the bed and see Adrien with bandages on his arm, leg and head. He opens his eyes and looks at me. I roll my eyes and walk to the bed beside him. I lay down and relax. I was about to fall asleep when I hear the bed creak. I open my eyes and see Adrien in front of me.

We are face to face. We stare at each other so intensely. I sit up and grab my bag. I take out a green ruby ring. I give him the ring and say, "Put it on and if you say anything I'll make sure your injuries are worse than before." He quickly wears the ring and faints. I smile.

I walk out of the nurses office and see Alya and Nino talking. I walk to them and as they see me they step back. I walk to them and reach them. I pull out one orange ruby ring and one blue ruby ring. I say, "Put it on and don't say anything and if you do then you'll end up like Adrien." They grab the rings then wear them. They both faint.

I gave Alya the orange ring and Nino the blue ring. I smile wickedly and make both of them levitate to the nurses office. I completed my task! Now they'll be just like me! 4 villains, destroying and taking over the world together! I attend the last 2 classes and sleep in them.

After school:

I walk out and hear Tikki say, "Marinette? What did you do to Adrien, Alya and Nino?" I smile and say, "You don't have to worry about that Tikki." We reach home and eat dinner before everyone else. I run to my room and Tikki says, "Mari. I'm serious, what happened to them?" I laugh wickedly which scares her. My eyes glow green.

I look at her trembling and say, "I'm sorry Tikki...... it's just I feel evil and I can't get it out of me. It just feels so... so... good!" Tikki says, "Mari I love you and I don't want you to be evil." I reply, "I'll try to control myself, ok? She nods and I change into my pajamas. I kiss her forehead and say, "Good Night Tikki!" She says, "Good Night Mari."

Hira: HEYYYYY!! I'm a bit late sorry my studies are getting harder and my exams are on 5th November. Hope you like it. Like, comment and follow me. Love ya. Peace out ✌

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