Chapter 5

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I wake up. I stand something and smell pancakes. I smile and walk towards the kitchen. I thought it was Ross, but it was none other than Adrien Agreste. I put my head down and towards the fridge. I open the fridge and hope he didn't notice me. But my luck isn't very good.

I hear his footsteps coming closer I try ignore it but they stop and I feel his presence right behind me. I shiver and turn around. I'm face to face with him. If anyone of us moves we'll kiss! I quickly close the fridge and run out of the kitchen. I go to my dressing room and grab an outfit. I wear it quickly.

I keep my hair in a bun

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I keep my hair in a bun. I come out and see that everyone is awake. I smile and say with happiness, "Good Morning!" Everyone except for Adrien and his group smiles and says, "Morning Mari!" I sit on the sofa leaving a free spot for anyone. I say, "Ross? Can we sing a song I wrote?" He nods and gets his guitar. We start with the song.

We stop and he smiles brightly. I go to the sofa and fall down. I scream, "Is the stupid air conditioner even on?!" Chloe says, "Will you shut up? Your voice is annoying me." I say with anger, "If you have problem then get the fuck out!" She glares at me.

I start humming and start walking to the roof. I go up the stairs and climb the ladder. I open the trap door of the roof and go up. I close the door and sit on the edge. I think about the kiss between me and Adrien. It makes me scared. I start singing, "Baby try to understand! Don't wanna break your heart! Give your heart a break!"

I stop when I hear the trap door open. I ignore whoever is behind me and the person sits next to me. I look at the person and see the model himself, Adrien Agreste. I stand up and try walking away but he grabs my arm. He glares and pulls me down. He says, "You fell asleep on my shoulder! Why?! I already told you when we were kids that I hate you." I look at him confused on what he's talking about.

I say, "I don't remember. Maybe I did because I'm a heavy sleeper so I don't know. But if I did then I'm truly sorry. It will never happen again and I know you hate me. I only liked you that day and then my feelings went away after you started bullying me." He stares at me, unconvinced. I look away from him and look at the view.

The breeze makes my hair flow. I feel really awkward. Can someone call any of us?! Please! I want someone to save me right now. Where the heck is Marin and Bridgette?! I was thinking so much that I didn't even know that Adrien was talking to me. Suddenlyhe says, "Are you even listening?!" I look at him and tilt my head, confused.

I say, "Sorry, I didn't. I was thinking about something." He asks, "Let me guess, it was about how much awkward this is for you. You really want someone to save you cause you don't like me at all." I say shocked, "H-How did know about that?" He scoffs and says. "It's pretty obvious." I look away and see some black dust coming towards the studio.

I shiver and say, "Look!!" Adrien looks up and widens his eyes. We stand up and run to the trap door. We open and run inside. We close it quickly thinking we were safe. But what we didn't know was that the black dust came through the window and went in my ring. I sat down.

I play with my hair and Chloe walks in. She screams, "What do you think your doing with MY Adrikins?!" I say really fast, "Nothing we were just on the room and he was being the bully he is and black dust came and then we ran and sat down to breathe." She glares at me and walks to me. I stand up and she slaps me so hard that I fall.

I hold my cheek and stand back up. I punch her face. I break her nose and she is bleeding. She screams, "HOW DARE YOU?!?! I WILL TELL MY DADDY ABOUT THIS!!" I say, "Shut up you cry baby!" I walk away from them but Adrien pulls me back. He says, "Look who has gotten her strength back? Clumsenette is trying to be brave." He slaps me.

I fall on my back and see him towering above me. He kicks my stomach which makes me groan. Both Chloe and Adrien start hitting me as hard as they can. I faint and feel myself being lifted. Adrien says before I close my eyes, "I don't want Ross to suspect something so just shut up." Everything turns black and I faint.

I wake up rubbing my head. I look around and see Marin, Bridgette, Ross, Adriana and Felix, worried. Marin suddenly says, "She's awake!" They all run to me and hug me, even Felix. Ross asks horribly worried, "What happened?! Who did this to you?" I stare at them, scared.

I look behind them and see my bullies looking at me. Adrien glaring at me. I gulp and answer, "I just fell down a flight of stairs, nothing to get worked up about." They all sigh and let go of me. I stand from the bed and walk to my room. I start crying a bit. I feel terrible to lie to Ross.

Why do you do this to me?
I didn't mean to say my feelings,
If I had the chance,

I would've gone back in time,
I would've changed the past,
I didn't ever wanna be hurt!

Why can't you leave me alone?!
I know your broken cause of me!
I try to stay away but you follow me

Just go away....
I'm sorry for confessing
If I find that girl I'll bring her to you...

I stop when I hear a thud at my door. I open the door and see the person who I was singing about, Adrein Agreste. He looks at me with his eyes full of confusion. I just look away and close the door. I a beautiful ring on the table. It's a red ruby crystal ring. I grab and wear it. I feel like I've been stabbed and I scream so loud. I black out.


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