Chapter 1

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I'm awaken by the sound of tikki screaming my name. She says, "Marinette! Wake up! Your gonna be late for school!" I jump up on the bed and sit straight. I grab my clothes and run to the washroom. I quickly take a shower and dry my hair. I put my clothes on as quick as possible.

 I put my clothes on as quick as possible

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I leave my hair because I'm already late. I run to grab my lunch. I grab my lunch and run down to the bakery. I kiss my parents cheek saying, "Bye Mama! Bye Papa!" I run out the bakery and reach school. Alya's waiting for me outside the school. I run towards her and stop behind her. She turns around and is surprised. She says, "Wow girl! You came really early today!" I look at her confused and say while panting, "What...... do...... Hah...... you..... mean?" She says, "It's still 6:15!" I look at her and realize Tikki tricked me.

We walk in school. Suddenly, someone pushes me with great strength. I look up to see Adrien, Chloe, Sabrina, Kim and Max standing there and laughing at me. Adrien says, "Good job Clumsynette! Your so clumsy that your gonna injure yourself." I stand up and walk away. I hear Chloe say, "Who the hell told you that you can leave?!"

Adrien grabs my arms and puts them behind my back. He brings me to Chloe and Sabrina. They scratch my face with their nails. They literally dig inside. I fall on the floor. They all kick me and hurt me. Alya pushes them and runs to me. She puts my arm around her neck and drags me to the nurse's office.

She puts me on bed and the nurse puts cream on my scratches. It stings a little but I try not to complain. She finishes and puts bandages on my cuts and around my stomach. She finally finishes and says, "Done! Now I have to ask. Are you being bullied? Because it looks like someone kicked, punched and scratched you so badly." I look at her and say, "Nah I just fell down a flight of stairs. Everything's fine."

She looks at me unconvinced but nods. I walk out with Alya. She helps me to class. We sit on our seats and wait for the teacher. Adrien and his friends enter class laughing. Me, Alya and Nino talk and laugh. I tease them both. They both turn dark red, looking away from each other which makes me giggle. Nino stutters, "B-Be quiet M-Marinette!" I laugh so hard after his stuttering. I look at the door and see Adrien standing there with a deadly glare being sent to me.

I sit quietly and wait for the teacher. Mrs.Bustier enters the class and says, "Good Morning class! I have an announcement to make. There is going to be a talent show and anyone can join if you have a talent. Auditions are today after school." She then begins with class.

In break:

I sit next to Alya and Nino. I see my siblings trying to find a place to sit. I wave and say, "Marin! Bridgette! Over here!" They walk towards our seat and sit down. We start talking and laughing. I hear a scream. I say, "Um I have to go to the bathroom!" I run to the bathroom and Tikki comes out. I say, "Tikki Spots On!" I transform into Ladybug. I use my yoyo and jump out of school.

I come in front of the akumatized person. The person says, "I am Killer Frost! My crush is so cold towards me and almost killed me! So I want revenge! But first, I want your miraculouses!" Cat jumps next to me and says, "Well you'll have take them from our paws!" The villain and me both facepalm and say, "Your puns are annoying!"He looks at us and sticks out his tongue. We fight the villain.

After the fight:

I say, "Bye Bye little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!" Everything goes back to normal. I say, "See you later Cat Noir! Bug out!" I jump away and flip back to school. I land in the washroom and go in a stall. I lock it and detransform. I whisper, "Tikki. Hide!" I come out the washroom and walk towards class.

I enter class to find a teacher I've never seen before standing there. He's male and he he says, "Hello. I'm the substitute teacher. Why are you still not in class?" I think of an excuse fast and say, "I-I was in the washroom!" He sighs and says, "Ok come in and sit on your seat." I walk towards my seat and sit down.

After school:

I walk out of class and find Nino and Alya kissing. I smirk and fold my arms. I say, "Well well well. What do we have here?" They both pull away from each other embarrassed. Alya says horribly embarrassed, "D-Did I forget t-to tell you t-that Nino and I are d-dating?" I answer while pouting, "Yes. Yes you did."

She says with her head down, "I'm sorry girl... I forgot..." I sigh and say, "It's fine. I forgive you." She hugs me and says, "Thank you!" I hug her back and say, "Your welcome. Now come on we have to go to the ice cream shop!" Alya looks at me sadly, "Sorry girl I can't. Me and Nino are going out today."

I say a little sad, "Oh what about Saturday?" She says, "Sorry I have a date with Nino?" I say, "Oh ok. Bye Alya." She waves and I walk away. Suddenly my arm is pulled and I'm pulled to a corner by Adrien. He says, "You know now that those two are dating, your best friend will forget you, right?" I look at him straight in the eye and say, "No she won't. She's still my best friend and always will!" I walk past him and go in the school auditorium.

I enter and see Mrs.Bustier. I go to her and ask, "Excuse me Mrs? Are we going to have auditions right now?" Mrs.Bustier says, "Yes Marinette." I wait for my turn. It was Chloe's turn and she was killing my eardrums. She flips her hair and says, "So I'm obviously in because my voice was amazing!" The judges say, "No!" She stomps away angry. I go on stage and say, "Hi! I'm Marinette and I'm performing a song called wildest dreams." The signal me to start so I start playing and singing.

They say, "Your in!" I smile and walk out of school and go home. I eat dinner with everyone. Bridgette asks, "Sooo Marinette, I heard Alya is dating Nino. Is it true?" I answer, "Yep she is. And how did you know?" Bridgette says in her weird way, "Well I certainly wasn't eavesdropping on your conversation." I roll my eyes and finish dinner. I go to my room and change into my pajamas.

I ask, "Tikki? Can I ask you something?" She answers, "Of course Marinette! You can ask me anything! I'm here for you." I smile and say, "You don't really think Alya's gonna replace me, do you?" Tikki says, "Well I don't think so. I mean she is your best friend. She would never do something like that. Trust me Marinette." I nod and kiss her forehead. I say, "Good Night Tikki." She says, "Good Night Marinette." I fall asleep.

Hira: Hope y'all like it. Love ya. Peace out ✌

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