Freshman Year

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"He was the moon

She was the sun

He was like winter

She was like summer"

7:30am at Rivervale High

Jack POV

First day of high school and I am already getting heart eyes from girls as I walked down the hall.Am I really that good looking because this is the tenth time someone squealed when I walk past them.I'm starting to get annoyed but hey wouldn't hurt to enjoy it right?

I walked down the hallway trying to find my best friend Gavin.We were friend since fourth grade and still counting.That guy has had my back since little and we basically grew up doing almost everything together.We would always play basketball after school or football.

Summer POV

Ugh tell me why do we have to go to school? I hate socialising and meeting new people.This sucks.Can't I just stay home and watch some Netflix? I pray I don't come across any guys or embarrass myself because I'm known to be the clumsiest person on earth.Well that's what I tell myself.

I walked to homeroom and sat at a random seat near the window.I plugged in my earpiece and read my book.Suddenly the chair beside me moved,indicating someone sitting there.I decided to ignore the person because I'm not good in socialising or conversations.Conversations with me will usually end badly since I'm super sarcastic and just say whatever is on my mind although Mom always says not to.

When the teacher came in,she assigned us our seat.I was seated next to a horny guy.Could this get any worse? Oh wait,it just did.A girl who talked non-stop before the teacher came in sat in front of my seatmate.But hey a really good looking guy sat behind me.I rolled my eyes at the assigned seats.I'm just glad I still have the window seat but I'm surrounded my mostly guys which bugs me.

Jack POV

Homeroom was okay.My assigned seat wasn't that bad.I sat behind a girl although was mostly surrounded by guys.She looks okay I guess.She wears glasses but has a very good sense of fashion.Unfortunately,she's been reading non-stop since before the teacher came in so I couldn't really talk to her.I mean I can make friends right?She is the first girl who I came across who hasn't give me heart eyes or squealed in my ear.

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