You belong with me

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" She finds happiness in him

  He finds comfort in her

  They were two individuals

  In need of each other "

 (Junior year)

3rd POV

Summer's phone kept beeping due to the notifications coming in.She was deep in her slumber but was awaken by her phone's notifications.It finally stopped after awhile.But it soon started ringing.

Summer's POV

Ugh the person who calls me is going to pay!

"Who is this and what do you want from me! I was sleeping peacefully till you had to call me and disturb my sleep.You better have a good reason for calling me in this early hour," I threatened.

"Uhh Summer? It's me,Jack," Jack replied feeling scared.


"O-oh hi Jack.What were you doing calling me in the morning?" I asked awkwardly.

" Oh! Yeah you weren't answering your texts so I called just to make sure you're still alive.Go and dress up.I'm picking you up in thirty.By the's eleven," Jack said before hanging up.

Eleven?! It's too early for me to wake up.Ugh.

I decided to get ready since Jack asked me to.I know that if I'm still not ready by the time he comes,I'll be dead meat.

I showered for ten minutes and took the remaining time to get ready.I settled with a pair of blue jeans with a white crop top and a pair of converse.I let my hair down and wore my contacts today.I only applied lip balm and a few dabs of lipstick with a spray of my Victoria Secret tease perfume as the final touch.

Exactly twenty minutes later,Jack arrived at my doorstep.I ran down and opened the door for him not wanting to make him wait.

"Hey,"I greeted him.

He took in my appearance.

"Oh hey.Come on we're going to be late!"He said as he pulled me to his car.

As we settled in the car I asked him where he was taking me and why is he in such a rush.

"Don't you remember what's today?" He asked me confused.

"Uh saturday?" I replied.

"Oh my goodness Summer.It's your birthday! We're going out to celebrate!" He reminded me.

I checked the date on my phone and he was right.It is mu birthday.How could I forget my own birthday?Damn.

We drove in silence and I looked out the window to admire the amazing view.A lot has happened in the past year.We're now in junior year.Next year we'll be graduating.

Me and Karen aren't really friends anymore because she backstabbed me by spreading false rumors about me.I was genuinely hurt by her actions and didn't think she was that kind of person honestly.I mean despite our difference in common interests.She and Dylan broke up because she cheated on him with a senior.So much drama.

On another note,Gwen is still going on strong with Nick.Claire and Gavin have been official since a year ago.I'm honestly so happy for them! I have no idea about Rose because she hasn't said anything but I think she has a crush on Dylan and I feel like Dylan likes her too.I could just feel it.

Meanwhile,I still have feelings for Jack and it's getting stronger day by day which is bad.After Hailey,Jack took a break from love for like six months.Though he slowly developed feelings for his drama groupmate,Stephanie.

I honestly dislike Stephanie because she bullied me back in elementary school.Despite my social status,she dared to bully me because she wants my spotlight.I couldn't care much about the spotlight but she bullied me and involved my parents.She was my best friend before but she envied my popularity so she betrayed me.She told everyone about how my Mom had left me when I was just two.

After that,I disliked her so much till this day.Even though she tried to sabotage my reputation,no one cared about her and I was still the popular one.I guess it's karma.But now that Jack likes her and she somehow knows about it,I feel like she is trying to get back at me for what had happened in elementary school.

She's trying to steal Jack away because she knows I like him.

Jack's POV

I drove us to a carnival which is an hour away from where we lived.I looked over at Summer.She seems to be in very deep thoughts.I wonder what she's thinking about.Surprisingly she didn't bring her book.Yup,she is still a bookworm.

I decided not to disturb her and turned on the radio since it was too quiet.The radio played 'You Belong With Me' by Taylor Swift,Summer's favourite all time singer.Summer is known to be a swiftie and she of course got me hooked to Taylor Swift as well.That makes me a fan as well but not as big as Summer is.

I looked at Summer and saw her singing and dancing along to the song.She turned to me and sings the line,

' If you could see 

That I'm the one

Who understands you

Been here all along

So, why can't you see

You belong with me '

Somehow as she sang that line,it made me think about how true it was.Summer has always been by my side all this while and has always understood me.How weirdly accurate is it that the role Taylor played in the video describes Summer except her being in the bleachers.From the glasses to the weird dancing and the way she dresses.It's so weird that it's so accurate haha.

Though, I like Stephanie and she knows that.I can't like Summer.Or can I? But we made a promise not to fall for one another. Plus,she probably only sees me as a brother and nothing more.Our relationship is platonic anyways.

I shook my head,dismissing the thoughts and focused in driving.We were fifteen minutes away from the carnival and I can't wait!

Summer's POV

Jack turned on the radio and a Taylor Swift song was played.You belong with me started playing and at one verse I decided to face Jack and sing these specific lyrics.I really meant whatever lyrics I sang to him from the song.

My heart hurts knowing that he doesn't feel the same way.I just feel sad that I was the one who fell for him.Now I'm stuck in with these unrequited feelings.How lucky am I?


Part 2 will be up soon.Thank you for reading.

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