Ice + Fire

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" He was ice

 She was fire

 He was chill

She was wild "

Jack's POV

"You're so annoying ugh! What do girls even see in you," Summer yelled at my face and then walked away.

Apparently,she commented on something Gwen had said in the group chat and I went all sarcastic on her.It went a little bit like this...


gwen: Guys the answer to qn 1 is dilute hydrochloric acid

summer: so that's the answer...

jack: no,it's the question

summer: it wasn't even a question

summer: i was just typing my thoughts out


And after that conversation ended,I was met with Summer yelling at my face.I should have just kept quiet.Apparently she needs to take a chill pill.

It's weird how it's already one third in the semester and she hasn't taken a liking into me yet.Everytime we cross paths,she either ignores me or rolls her eyes.She isn't like most girls and I'm glad because at least there is one person who isn't all crazy about me.Though,it's weird that she doesn't obsess over me.Hmm...

Summer's POV

Ugh I hate JACK! I hate him so so so much.He doesn't have to go all sarcastic on me.It was just a harmless thought.What a jerk.

I met up with Karen and the girls in the hallway before Math.I knew I flunked my Chemistry test after Gwen's message.

" Ya know,you and Jack are always fighting and it's getting annoying," Karen commented.No shit sherlock.

Okay I'm super moody today because when I'm on my period,my mood swings are all over the place and it's hell.I will snap at almost everyone and anything.I'm a devil when I'm on period honestly.

I rolled my eyes and said," Well what do you suggest I do? That guy has been getting on my nerves for the past week."

"Befriend him," the girls said in unison.

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